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الموضوع: Introduction to Human Resource Management

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Introduction to Human Resource Management

Introduction to
Human Resource

Strategic Overview
What is Human Resource Management and Why is it Important?
What is HR Management?
Why is HR Management Important to all Managers?
Line and Staff Aspects of HRM
Line Managers’ Human Resource Duties
Human Resource Manager’s Duties
New Approaches to Organizing HR
Cooperative Line & Staff HRM: An Example
The Trends Shaping HR Management
Globalization and Competition Trends
Indebtedness (“Leverage”) and Deregulation
Technological Trends
Trends in the Nature of Work
Workforce and Demographic Trends
Economic Challenges and Trends
The New Human Resource Managers
Human Resource Management Yesterday & Today
They Focus More on Strategic, Big Picture Issues
They Use New Ways to Provide Transactional Services
They Take an Integrated, Talent Management Approach
They Manage Ethics
They Management Employee Engagement
They Measure HR Performance and Results
They Use Evidence-Based Human Resource Management
They Add Value
They Have New Competencies
HR Certification
The Plan of This Book
The Basic Themes and Features
Chapter Contents Overview
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Recruitment, Placement, and Talent Management
Part 3: Training and Development
Part 4: Compensation
Part 5: Employee Relations
The Topics are Interrelated

Please See the attached file

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نوع الملف: doc
إسم الملف: 7_24575_EA311_2012_1__2_1_Introduction toHRM.doc - حجم الملف: 74.5 كيلوبايت - مرات التحميل: 372

الصورة الرمزية huhu
huhu غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
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رد: Introduction to Human Resource Management

thank you so much for useful information i hope you to sumit more

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