النتائج 1 إلى 1 من 1

الموضوع: Administration / Office Manager OR Human Resources Executive

الصورة الرمزية Inas El Mallah
Inas El Mallah غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

Administration / Office Manager OR Human Resources Executive

I am actively seeking an opportunity such as Administration / Office Manager OR Human Resources Executive

Throughout my career I have demonstrated for my employers an exceptional facility for meeting organizational objectives and needs. In addition to my administrative and project support skills, I am an adept writer/proofreader and enjoy using my natural abilities and creativity to create different documents from newsletters to brochures. My computer skills have also been utilized by employers, in addition to being proficient in MS programs I’m able to learn new programs and customized software quickly to increase efficiency and productivity

I am confident that these skills and others would make me a valuable asset to you and your team

My resume is attached, detailing my expertise. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity of speaking with you at your earliest convenience, via e-mail

Thank you for your time and consideration

الصور المرفقة

إقرأ أيضا...
Human Resources and Administration Director

PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE: Obtaining a challenging position & opportunity of different responsibilities advantageous with my appropriate skills and abilities to attain & reach the maximum success, as... (مشاركات: 0)

Administration or the Human Resources Career

Dear Sirs, I have the pleasure to present my Resume hope that you will consider me for a position within your company. I'm an Egyptian - Alex Human Resources , I have 9 years' experience in the ... (مشاركات: 0)

Human Resources Manager

اود الحصول على وظيفة مدير موارد بشرية (مشاركات: 0)

Human resources administration and the best strategies

As any other department, HR has a manager or administrator who is in charge to control the department. I. Human resource administration refers to the managing of human capital within an organization... (مشاركات: 0)

مطلوب سكرتيرة للعمل - Office Manager / Executive Secretary

JOB DETAILS: • Title: Office Manager / Executive Secretary • Location: Mohandesin, Giza, EGYPT DESCRIPTION: • Filling system, handling phone calls, emails and faxes • Perform general clerical... (مشاركات: 0)

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أحدث الملفات والنماذج