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الموضوع: Make it a habit...

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الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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أعمال ادارية

Make it a habit...

· Be honest with yourself, you will be confident of yourself, and you will take the lead.
· Be fair with your company, you will be fair with the surrenders, and you will be fair with yourself.
· Do not wait for the days or life to help you, get the help from yourself, and make it.
· Life is not fair, so do not look at what the others have. You have to work on it, to get your own.
· Happiness is not something we can earn, we have to make it.
· When you wake up early in the morning, don’t hate yourself for waking up early, look around, you will recognize that you are alive. Isn’t it enough to be happy?!!!
· If you think before you do, and if you do what it is supposed to do, and if you do what you say you can do, then you exist. ”Je pense, donc Je suis”.
· You are what you think, your thought is what you feel, and your feeling is yourself, so don’t be faked.
· Be optimist, be realistic, be logic, and no body is perfect, so you do mistakes!
· Do not look behind, keep going, take your past as a history, and make our future a great history.
· Do no listen to what people say, you cannot make every body happy.
· The difference between your heart and your brain is the difference between the light and the shadow.
· If you believe in something, you will do something.
· Happiness is something you miss when you don’t know how to enjoy it.
· If you cannot be happy, otherwise make somebody happy.
· Are you afraid to die? So have you asked yourself why do you exist?
· Before you talk, listen, think, then…let your tongue spins 7 times, THEN talk!!!
· Have you tried to be quiet for one day?! If so I believe you were perfect!!
· Keep smiling even you are in pain; Your smile can make somebody else happy

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أبو عبد العزيز ; 23/8/2012 الساعة 01:45

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