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الموضوع: 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

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21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
by Brian Tracy

Hello, I'm Brian Tracy and welcome to this program. What you are about to learn can change your life. These ideas, insights and strategies have been the springboards to financial success for millions of men and women, from every walk of life. These principles are simple, effective and fairly easy to apply. Each of them is based on exhaustive research and interviews with thousands of self-made millionaires. They have been tested and proven over and over again, and they will work for you if you will take them and apply them in your own life.

To discover these secrets, please download and read this wonderful book.

Thanks & Regards,
Khalid Abdul-Hadi Othman
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