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الموضوع: Extreme Risk Management: Revolutionary Approaches to Evaluating and Measuring Risk

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Extreme Risk Management: Revolutionary Approaches to Evaluating and Measuring Risk

A revolutionary new approach for detecting and managing inherent risk
The unprecedented turmoil in the financial markets turned the field of quantitative finance on its head and generated severe criticism of the statistical models used to manage risk and predict “black swan” events. Something very important had been lost when statistical representations replaced expert knowledge and statistics substituted for causation.
Extreme Risk Management brings causation into the equation. The use of causal models in risk management, securities valuation, and portfolio management provides a real and much-needed alternative to the stochastic models used so far. Providing an alternative tool for risk modeling and scenario-building in stress-testing, this game-changing book uses causal models that help you:

•Evaluate risk with extraordinary accuracy
•Predict devastating worst-case scenarios
•Enhance transparency
•Facilitate better decision making

•Plausibility vs. Probability: Alternative World Views
•The Evolution of Modern Analytics
•Risk Management Metrics and Models
•The Future as Forecast: Assumptions Implicit in Stochastic Risk Measurement Models
•An Alternative Path to Actionable Intelligence
•Solutions: Moving Toward a Connectivist Approach
•An Introduction to Causality: Theory, Models, and Inference
•Risk Inference Networks: Estimating Vulnerability, Consequences, and Likelihood
•Securities Valuation, Risk Measurement, and Portfolio Management Using Causal Models
•Risk Fusion and Super Models: A Framework for Enterprise Risk Management
•Inferring Causality from Historical Market Behavior
•Sensemaking for Warnings: Reverse-Engineering Market Intelligence
•The United States as Enterprise: Implications for National Policy and Security
الصور المرفقة

الصورة الرمزية eltiganimakki
eltiganimakki غير متواجد حالياً محترف
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رد: Extreme Risk Management: Revolutionary Approaches to Evaluating and Measuring Risk

Thanks a lot for this valuable and interesting reference book.

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