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الموضوع: Best Practices in Planning and Performance Management: Radically Rethinking Management for a Volatile World

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Best Practices in Planning and Performance Management: Radically Rethinking Management for a Volatile World

A practical framework for effectively managing performance in today's complex, competitive and risky global markets
The Third Edition provides a complete framework for building best practice management processes for today's complex and uncertain world. Fully updated to reflect the events of the global economic crisis, this book provides further practical examples of companies that are successfully using the practices identified.
Updated for the implications of the global economic crisis on management practices
Completely rewritten section on "What it Takes To Be An Effective Manager In An Uncertain World
Added examples and mini case studies throughout the book from companies such as Qualcomm, IBM, Dominos, Target, Toshiba and Facebook
Establishes new benchmarks for performance management process and practice
Fully updated to include recent events, new learnings, technologies and emerging best practices

This book includes serious rethinking of the way companies plan and manage performance-from the role of ***ing to the skills needed to be an effective manager-including new technologies, techniques and real time management processes.
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