يسر مركز القادة للتدريب
أن يعلن عن عقد البرنامج
شهادة مصدقة من السفارة

شهادة الدولية للمدرب المحترف
الممنوحة من معهد التنمية الادارية بجامعة ميزورى الامريكية
دبي 23-27 يناير 2011
MDI Certificate Format:
A framed certificate of completion will be awarded to class members who attend at least 80% of the 40 training hours are granted by the Management Development Institute through the College of Business Administration at Missouri State University

Today’s Trainers
‘‘Those who are successful in the new age are those adept at re-orienting their own and others’ activities in untried directions to bring about higher levels of
Achievement.’’ —Rosabeth Moss Kanter Harvard Business School Professor and Author
Like trainees, training specialists are not a homogenous group. The training force in an organization has grown to include acorps of subject-matter experts, in-house facilitators, retired specialists, and contract providers. Training specialists may have specialized skills in one or more of the many facets of training design and delivery; however, they are also generalists, capable of organizing training n partnership with others to ensure a good match between need and delivery.
Learning Organizations
‘‘The ability to learn faster than your competitors May be the only sustainable competitive advantage.’’ Arie De Geus Author and Consultant
Learning organization is one that recognizes the desire of people to learn and grow and provides them with that opportunity to enhance the future of the organization. These principles translate into the following three key
practices that enable an organization to promote and support continuous learning:
1. The ability to learn from each other
2. The ability to learn from personal experience
3. The ability to learn from the system (that is, organization successes and failures)
What we believe? What we know?
What we DO? We are Individuals
Learning is a process, not a thing that can be seen. It is individual and personal.
First Perspective: Teaching
لمزيد من الإستفسارات يرجى التواصل على الأرقام المرفقة أدناه

Azza Moustafa | Assistant of Development Manager
عزة مصطفى – نائب مدير إدارة التطوير

Leaders Training Center
Tel: 009716 553 5115 | Fax: 009716 553 5151
Mobile: 0097150 119 4848
P.O. Box 37136 | Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Email:[مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] | [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]