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الموضوع: The Truth About Starting a Business

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The Truth About Starting a Business

“This book should be on the seasoned entrepreneur’s list of ‘what I should have read before I started my business.’”
–JOE KEELEY, President & CEO, College Nannies & Tutors Development
“This is one of the best entrepreneurship books I’ve read…I wish I had this book when I first started out.”
–RYAN O’DONNELL, Cofounder and CEO, BullEx Digital Safety

Your own business: Take the leap, make it happen, and make it succeed!

* The truth about choosing the right business for you and maintaining a healthy personal life
* The truth about planning, funding, hiring, and successful launches
* The truth about financial management, marketing, and growth

This book reveals 53 bite-size, easy-to-use techniques for choosing, planning, launching, and growing your winning business.

You’ll learn how to generate and test business ideas, and pick the one that’s best for you…select the right entry strategy…name and locate your business…raise capital…build your team and get expert advice…protect your business secrets and intellectual property…effectively brand your business and market its offerings…handle pricing, distribution, and sales…manage your finances to specific objectives…prepare for growth…and even maintain your work/life balance as an entrepreneur. This isn’t “someone’s opinion”: it’s a definitive, evidence-based guide to building your own successful enterprise–a set of bedrock principles you can rely on whoever you are, wherever you are, and whatever business you choose to launch.

About the Author
Bruce R. Barringer, a renowned expert on entrepreneurship, is a professor of management at the University of Central Florida. His books include Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, 2nd Edition, Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach, and What’s Stopping You?: Shatter the 9 Most Common Myths Keeping You from Starting Your Own Business.

Book Details

* Paperback: 224 pages
* Publisher: FT Press; 1 edition (October, 2010)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: (يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
* ISBN-13: 978-(يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
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