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الموضوع: Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours

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Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours

The Internet is a global warehouse filled with information on virtually every topic imaginable-news, sports, education, religion, travel, people, and more. To tap into this resource you need to know how to get connected, where to get the right software, and how to use it.Sams Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours puts the power of the Internet at your command. This fast, easy, and informative book uses 24 one-hour lessons to teach you how to use Web browsers, join newsgroups, send and receive email, and download free software.

* Provides extensive coverage of finding access, browsing the Web, email, newsgroups, real-time communication, locating interesting information, and more-for Windows and Macintosh
* A support site for the book will be set up on the Sams Web site-providing links to sites mentioned in the book, easy access to Internet shareware products, and updated material
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar
إسم الملف: Teach Yourself the Internet in 24 Hours.rar - حجم الملف: 4.98 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 93

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