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الموضوع: Elements of Strategy: A Pocket Guide to the Essence of Successful Business Strategy

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Elements of Strategy: A Pocket Guide to the Essence of Successful Business Strategy

There are many books on strategy. The specific purpose of this book is to give a concise and portable guide to the essential elements of successful strategy, which are developed more fully in Strategy: A Step by Step Approach to the Development and Presentation of World Class Business Strategy by Mark Daniell. The readers will be able to improve the quality and content of their own strategies--and the results achieved.
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar
إسم الملف: 0230009069.part1.rar - حجم الملف: 6.68 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 180
نوع الملف: rar
إسم الملف: 0230009069.part2.rar - حجم الملف: 4.16 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 134

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