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الموضوع: Learning to Solve Problems: An Instructional Design Guide

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Learning to Solve Problems: An Instructional Design Guide

Learning to Solve Problems is a much-needed book that describes models for designing interactive learning environments to support how to learn and solve different kinds of problems. Using a research-based approach, author David H. Jonassena recognized expert in the fieldshows how to design instruction to support three kinds of problems: story problems, troubleshooting, and case and policy analysis problems. Filled with models and job aids, this book describes different approaches for representing problems to learners and includes information about technology-based tools that can help learners mentally represent problems for themselves. Jonassen also explores methods for associating different solutions to problems and discusses various processes for reflecting on the problem solving process. Learning to Solve Problems also includes three methods for assessing problem-solving skillsperformance assessment, component skills; and argumentation.
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