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الموضوع: Missing Pieces: 7 Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being and Organizational Effectiveness

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Missing Pieces: 7 Ways to Improve Employee Well-Being and Organizational Effectiveness

This book answers the question: What is missing from management when employees are unhappy and organizations inefficient? In the course of our1 careers, we have been lucky to work with some remarkable senior executives, managers, union representatives and ordinary employees who think employee well-being and business efficiency go hand in hand. They have asked us for help while explaining their responsibilities, describing the pros and cons of their duties and outlining the solutions they have tried
We have also surveyed thousands of people, interviewed hundreds of managers, met with hundreds of workers in trouble-shooting sessions, and counseled dozens of management committees, boards of directors and union groups. We have been involved in the aeronautic, transportation and metallurgy industries and active with leading financialinstitutions, pharmaceutical consumer groups, retailers, government departments, hospitals and food chains. We have observed many working people go about their jobs: call center attendants, senior managers, nurses, construction workers, reporters, linemen, human resources advisers, accountants, social workers and teachers
We have given hundreds of talks and provided dozens of corporate training programs. Our numerous encounters with employees and managers have convinced us that many problems are due to what we call missing pieces in the way we manage employees and organizations. Here are a few examples: A dental assistant complains that her boss is out of the office and shows next to no recognition for staff performance A team leader says she is overwhelmed by the number of files she must handle and adds she has no way of getting her supervisor to assess or even discuss the workload A 55-year-old human resources adviser says he has little leeway in tackling complex labor issues and is seldom allowed to make decisions on his own A production manager complains how hard it is to allocate budgets among different departments because her company’s priorities are too vague An occupational health-and-safety manager is fed up with the lack of team spirit among her staff. She places the blame squarely on management for lack of support, assistance and cooperation A nurse is unhappy with doing overtime, which interferes with her family life A foreman claims he is being harassed at work and says his director is offering no recourse or support
Our experiences have shown that many workers and managers like their jobs, but a growing number find their working conditions intolerable. What are the obstacles to a rewarding work environment and an efficient business? What are the alternatives? How can organizations solve these problems while ensuring their long-term survival? When writing this book, we wanted to share our experiences and knowledge about barriers to making employees happier and organizations more efficient. Its focus is on day-to-day work, which is so poorly acknowledged in the business world. While the daily grind may seem less “trendy” or “strategic” than leadership and corporate strategies, it matters as much to success
We increasingly believe that a healthy and efficient company differs from a sick and inefficient one, not only in standard business strategies to attract, retain and properly pay employees but also in working conditions
The same point has been made by many well-known writers. Warren Bennis, for one, says that leadership accounts for no more than 15 percent of an organization’s success, with 85 percent depending on the efforts of the tens, hundreds and even thousands of people who daily do its work
Other writers, such as Richard Templar, James O’Toole, Aubreys C. Daniels and Arie De Geus, similarly see a close tie between employee well-being and business efficiency. These two factors are closely related in the daily work of employees and managers. So, when people complain about their well-being on the job, it comes as no surprise that 95 percent of the time they really mean problems with business efficiency
Take the case of a hospital radiology department
Several employees told us they had not had a staff meeting in five years. They felt irrelevant, outside the loop and lacking in managerial support
While speaking with them, we learned they had not received any recognition for their work. They had become demoralized, isolated and increasingly stressed out
This situation affected not only their sense of well-being but also their performance. Mistakes often happened; X-ray reports disappeared; staff members were uncooperative with each other; no one was willing to make the slightest effort to help their boss; and patients were complaining about lack of staff courtesy
Meanwhile, the manager said she had too much work and too little time or energy. She knew the team was below par and had a lot of trouble doing the job right
She also had no idea how to turn things around
As this brief example shows, such situations may impair employee well-being and business efficiency
That is why it pays to improve the working conditions of employees and managers. In any event, this is a necessity for organizations and administrators. A company is entitled to ask its employees to do their best, but it must also provide the conditions for good job performance
ABOUT THIS BOOK This book describes the pieces missing in management of human capital and organizations and sets out a simple and tangible way to find the effective and long-lasting solutions
The first chapter outlines what we mean by “missing pieces of management.” It also explains the concept of organizational health. Chapter 2 addresses the key issue of recognition in the workplace. Chapter 3 stresses the importance of social support and interpersonal relations
Chapter 4 covers the delicate issue of respect in the workplace
Chapter 5 discusses reconciliation between work and personal life, a popular topic these days. Chapter 6 is about workload. Chapter 7 deals with employee autonomy and participation in decision making. Chapter 8 goes into ambiguity and conflict in employee roles
Chapter 9 is on matching words with acts and concludes by defining a simple yet effective way to make changes that will filling the missing pieces of management
We hope this book will not only lead to further thought and dialogue but also help people move from words to acts. As a manager, you will find much information on changing your organization’s working conditions, management practices and leadership strategies
Because this book deals with sensitive issues, we have concealed identities and altered details to ensure confi - dentiality. The quotes, however, are verbatim, and the situations are accurately portrayed
Each chapter concludes with two sections to help you enhance employee well-being and business efficiency
The first one, “What’s your situation?” shows you how to assess your own organization, and see how it ranks in terms of missing pieces. The second section, “10 simple actions,” provides simple solutions you can apply
You may read this book from start to finish, or begin with the sections that interest you most. It is designed as a guide to help you think through these issues and as a management resource for better workplaces and more efficient businesses
We hope our book will bring these missing pieces to mind whenever you draw up plans, develop marketing practices and set standards for working conditions

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إسم الملف: 0230576583.part2.rar - حجم الملف: 4.73 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 78

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