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الموضوع: Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership

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Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership

Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the Top 25 Business People of our Times
In this book, two of the world's most respected sources of business insight come together to select and profile the 25 most influential businesspeople of the past quarter century. These incisive profiles teach specific lessons you can use to discover, refine, and nurture your own leadership style... achieve breakthrough results... and accelerate your career progress.

The team: Nightly Business Report, the United States' #1 daily TV business news program, and Knowledge@Wharton, The Wharton School's online journal of research and business analysis. Together, they offer powerful new insights into familiar faces--and reveal the passion and brilliance that allowed less-well-known leaders to achieve the extraordinary.
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