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الموضوع: Motivate to Win: How to Motivate Yourself and Others

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Motivate to Win: How to Motivate Yourself and Others

The Institute of Manpower Studies has claimed that the word ‘motivation’ is among the six most-used words in company documents. It goes on to say that just because it is used, it doesn’t mean to say that it is understood
In a survey carried out by the Grassroots Group plc, which included 500 of the top 1,000 businesses in the UK, it was found that 95 per cent of those companies that responded felt their staff could be more motivated
Martin van Mesdag, in a letter to Marketing Week, writes as follows: To motivate others is the most important of management tasks. It comprises the abilities to communicate, to set an example, to challenge, to encourage, to obtain feedback, to involve, to delegate, to develop and train, to inform, to brief and to provide a just reward
This word motivation seems to cause extraordinary emotional reactions amongst so many people. Prior to writing this book, I discussed the concept with family, friends and colleagues and I seemed to get the universal reaction of ‘I could do with it – whatever it is!’ or ‘I’ll certainly look forward to reading that chapter’
Motivation seems to provoke the response that everybody wants it but they are not quite sure what it is. We see in various job advertisements that the candidate must be self-motivated
We also see the extraordinary results and achievements in the sporting world that are closely linked to the power of motivation
Human beings, as we know, are natural goal seekers and it seems that all the amazing achievements in the world come from highly motivated individuals. We all live in a world of increasing complexity with incredible technology at our command. The developments of computer technology, microchips, the internet and the progress in electronic data processing and creativity fields are mind blowing
Yet the real world in which we all work is, of course, a people’s world. Parents produce children, those children go through their educational years and then move on to develop their own career. They in turn build relationships, get married and again children are produced. And so the cycle perpetuates itself
Very few of us during our educational years had much, if any, instruction on ourselves, communication, people or motivation
This book is about people; in business, in sports and hobbies, in relationships and their home environment
Virtually everybody can motivate themselves and should be motivating somebody else
How this Book can Help You
The point of writing this book was that it should be read, so it is written in a style that is easy to read. It should be a book that you can dip into and highlight certain phrases or paragraphs that may appeal to you. But its ultimate purpose is to take away the mystique surrounding that word ‘motivation’ and to set out easy and usable ideas that will help you to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve
Success, as we all know, comes from people. Outstanding success is very rarely, if ever, achieved by the individual alone
It is achieved with the support, guidance, cooperation, advice, as well as the individual
How often do we see at the award ceremonies people receiving their award, then thanking others for their help? A great deal of what this book contains could be classified as ‘common sense’ – that may be so and I make no apology for it whatsoever. Common sense is an admirable quality that those who have it tend to use and those who don’t are not aware that it’s lacking
But due to the environment that we all live in, a world of rapid change, a world of increasing demands and increasing expectancy, perhaps the greatest requirement for all of us is that of self-improvement. How can we be better? How can we do better? And if we accept that the real world in which we live and work is a people’s world, then it is essential to have a greater understanding of ourselves, what motivates us and how we can be more motivated
Those of you who have the great responsibility of managing or leading others must know what is necessary to help people to achieve their own aspirations and how they can be motivated towards a common goal
I have not set out to compile a series of motivational stories
The history of mankind is filled with the most amazing achievements of human endeavour: from outstanding performance in the world of sport to bravery in the theatre of war; from the financial success of the entrepreneur to triumph over lifethreatening illness, or the personal sacrifices made by some to make life more bearable for the less fortunate
Inner motivation is and always has been the power behind mankind’s success and achievements. In building or maintaining your own motivation, search out those stories of success. It depends very little on your age, colour, creed or circumstances. YOU CAN, IF YOU THINK YOU CAN
If you apply the principles discussed in this book, you will certainly be a more motivated person. If you have responsibility for others, you will certainly have a greater ability to achieve success through their success. And your success is whatever you decide it to be
Motivation: a voluntary action in a given direction

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