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الموضوع: Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses

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Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses

Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses: Using Knowledge Management to Win Government, Private-Sector, and International Contracts
FUNDAMENTALLY, Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses: Using Knowledge Management to Win Government, Private-Sector, and International Contracts, Fourth Edition, and its companion - CD-ROM are highly accessible, self-contained desktop references developed to be informative, practical,and easy to use. They help small and mid-sized businesses, as well as non profit organizations and public-sector - agencies, achieve effective, efficient, and disciplined business development, proposal development, and knowledge management (KM) processes. These, in turn, contribute to increased contract and grant - awards and enhanced levels of revenue. Using this book, any small company or organization with aviable product or service can learn how to gain - and keep a client’s attention, even when working with only a few employees. Entrepreneurs can use the book to assist inestablishing best-of-breed business development, proposal development, knowledge management, and publications infrastructures and processes within their organizations. In many ways, a small company’s future performance in the marketplace will be a direct result of how effectively it chooses to implement disciplined business development, proposal development, and KM processes and methodologies, as well as the modes of thinking presented in this work.
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إسم الملف: Successful_Proposal_Strategies_For_Small_Businesses.rar - حجم الملف: 2.02 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 205

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