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الموضوع: Management by Process: A practical road-map to sustainable Business Process Management

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Management by Process: A practical road-map to sustainable Business Process Management

Business Processes are one of the critical drivers for any organisation in realizing their organizational strategic objectives. This means that management must constantly review and realign organizational processes to reflect the massively unfixed nature of business demands, such as changing market circumstances; the changing demands of new customer and existing customers; new products and pricing; changes in strategy; and linking processes to new partners and suppliers.
Establishing and maintaining a process-focused organization is critical as organizations are pressured to keep achieving further growth and profitability, preferably in double digits, whilst the avenues available for achieving this growth are getting more and more restricted due to legislation, global competition and saturation in the market place. This highly accessible book provides a clear and thorough exposition of the six key dimensions necessary for the creation of a process-focused organization: * process governance * strategic alignment * methods (execution/implementation) * people * culture * technology. Each of these critical Dimensions are given a systematic and revealing treatment, examining each Dimension in terms of: * Importance * Key trends in this area * Elements that comprise the dimension * Detailed description of the elements that comprise the ideal or visionary position * Road map of how to get there from various starting positions. * Encompasses best practices and an overview of the most important tools and methods * Provides case studies of success and failure and a practical and logical approach to the implementation of a BPM solution * Easy-to-read to gain a full understanding of BPM and easy-to-use as a reference tool during projects
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar
إسم الملف: 0750687614.part1.rar - حجم الملف: 6.68 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 294
نوع الملف: rar
إسم الملف: 0750687614.part2.rar - حجم الملف: 4.57 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 291

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العملية الادارية = Management Process = Processus de gestion

1. العملية الادارية = Management Process = Processus de gestion ويقصد بها أي عملية تحتوي على الوظائف الاساسية الخمسة للادارة وهي : التخطيط والتنظيم و التوظيف و التوجيه والرقابة. (مشاركات: 4)


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