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الموضوع: Are you ready for training program?

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Are you ready for training program?

Training employees is a sensitive activity and responsibility having the potential to succeed or fail depending on many factors starting with the trainer as the main driver of training, not to mention the training program itself which is the communication link between trainer and trainees.
The people you hire do not always posses all the skills that are required to get their job done. There may be some things missing depending on their education or previous work experience. But what is important is that they have the capacity to learn. This is where employee training programs come into the picture. Not only new employees, training programs can benefit existing employees learn and be up to date with the new developments in their area of expertise.

It is very important for trainer or management to choose the appropriate training program that meets the needs of company and employees, in order to achieve the goals of the training, and obtain an improvement in performance and skills.

So are you ready to set a training program?

a. assessing the needs:
The best way to assess the need for employee training programs is by asking the employees themselves. Ask them to list down the 5 or ten most important areas that need training. Evaluate the response given by them and determine the areas that the majority has asked for.

b. Developing a Training Program
Employee training programs start with induction training when a new employee is newly recruited, continues with on the job training and also includes skill based training for existing employees. A skill development program should be a balanced mix of all these methods to be most effective.

c. Evaluating Employees Training Needs
Each employee will have a different training need and it is up to you as a manager to recognize this need and address it. Need based training is closely related to performance appraisals. If you have assessed the need for training in consultation with your employee then it becomes easier to assign them to the different programs you have decided to have for them.

d. Evaluating the Training Program
Any program that is undertaken by a company needs to be evaluated at the end of the designated period.

Good luck

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رد: Are you ready for training program?

Dear Dr. Walid,

I think it's important also to select the facilitator or trainer who can deliver the required knowledge in the propoer manner.


Moh. Yousry Allam, MBA

نبذه عن الكاتب
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

رد: Are you ready for training program?

Dear Mr. Mohamed,

I really appreciate your comment. That is right trainer is very important as he/she is the main driver for the training, and this is what i mentioned in the beginning of this topic. And I focused on training program itself in this post


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