كثير من الأعضاء المشاركين يسألون عن بعض أدوات الادارة والنظم الادارية وهذه أسئلة مهمة يجب التفاعل معها من المختصين وتقديم النصح بما يفيد كل طالب علم لأن عالمية المعرفة أصبحت متاحة للجميع ومن هنا أرشد من يريد الاستفادة من النظم واجراءات الادارية الاطلاع علم مقدمات عن علم الادارة فهي التي تقودهم لمعرفة المحاور التي يبنى عليها نظم الادارة فالادارة هي الأساس بغض النظر عن نوع النشاط .
أدناه بعضاً من هذه المعارف باللغة الانجليزية سوف تساعد كثيراً :

Management can be defined as all the activities and
tasks undertaken by one or more persons for the purpose
of planning and controlling the activities of others
in order to achieve an objective or complete an
activity that could not be achieved by the others acting
independently [1]. Management as defined by wellknown authors in the field of management contains the following components

( Directing (Leading)

All managers carry out the functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and
controlling, although the time spent in each function will differ and the skills required
by managers at different organizational levels vary. Still, all managers are engaged in
getting things done through people. ... The managerial activities, grouped into the
managerial functions of planning, organizing staffing, leading, and controlling
are carried out by all managers, but the practices and methods must be adapted to the
carried out by all managers, but the practices particular tasks, enterprises, and situation
and methods must be adapted to the particular tasks, enterprises, and situation.
This concept is sometimes called the universality of management in which managers perform the same functions regardless of their place in the organizational structure or
. the type of enterprise in which they are managing