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الموضوع: Health, Safety, and Environment Supervisor

الصورة الرمزية dangler
dangler غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
HR & Administration Manager

Health, Safety, and Environment Supervisor

وظيفة في مركز تجاري مرموق بالرياض

Health, Safety, and Environment

Job description
A health and safety Supervisor offers expert knowledge and skills in order to generate and promote a positive health and safety culture. This represents a key role in helping control occupational risk.
He is responsible for ensuring that all safety legislation is adhered to and policies and practices are adopted. Planning , implementing , monitoring and reviewing the protective and preventative measures that company is required or choose to follow, and work to minimize operational losses, occupational health problems, accidents and injuries.
Typical work activities
tasks typically involve:
 preparing health and safety strategies and developing internal policy;
 carrying out risk assessments and considering how risks could be reduced;
 outlining safe operational procedures which identify and take account of all relevant hazards;
 carrying out regular site inspections to check policies and procedures are being properly implemented;
 planning practical and effective methods, both preventative and remedial, of promoting health and safety and safe working practices;
 negotiating with managers and operators to try to eliminate conflict between operations and safety considerations;
 making changes to working practices that are safe and comply with legislation;
 leading in-house training with managers and employees about health and safety issues and risks;
 keeping records of inspections findings and producing reports that suggest improvements;
 keeping records of incidents and accidents and producing statistics for managers;
 keeping up to date with new legislation and maintaining a working knowledge of all The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) legislation and any
developments that affect the company ;
 liaising with regulatory bodies to ensure your client or employer is compliant with mandatory regulations;
 producing management reports, newsletters and bulletins;
 carrying out accident investigations on site and producing subsequent reports and recommendations;
 carrying out fire drills;
 ensuring the safe installation of equipment;
 managing and organising the safe disposal of hazardous substances, e.g. asbestos;
 advising on a range of specialist areas, e.g. fire regulations, hazardous substances, noise, safeguarding machinery and occupational diseases

الصورة الرمزية bachirhrm
bachirhrm غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل

رد: Health, Safety, and Environment Supervisor

مهتم بالعرض, فكيف يتم تقديم السيرة الذاتية.

الصورة الرمزية esam albatran
esam albatran غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
مجال العمل
ضبط وتأكيد الجوده / تصنيع غذائي

رد: Health, Safety, and Environment Supervisor

انا عصام البطران خريج جامعة العلوم والكنولوجيا الاردنيه تخصص تغذيه وتكنولوجيا الغذاء ... ارفق البريد الالكتروني ان اردتم متابعة الموضوع ومعرفة الخبرات [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

الصورة الرمزية aymansaad_8
aymansaad_8 غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

رد: Health, Safety, and Environment Supervisor

ayman saad khalaf alla ( QHSE manager ) Egyption 60698839 [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

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يتناول الكورس الاستراتيجيات الحديثة في إعداد القوائم المالية وكيفية قراءة هذة القوائم من خلال التحليل والتقييم وكذلك إعداد وعرض القوائم المالية طبقا للمعايير الدولية IFRS وكيفية قراءة وتحليل وتقييم النتائج المالية التي تحويها ارقام هذه القوائم.

برنامج حوكمة المؤسسات الرياضية

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