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الموضوع: Advanced Essential English

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تدريس وتدريب

Advanced Essential English

SMART co. for training and consulting

Course Names: Advanced Essential English

Hours per week: 6 hours per week

Fees: 800 LE "Discount".

Course length: 50 hours "with trainers" & 110 hours " workshops & online"

Course prerequisite: placement test "oral + written".

All major courses are covered::
• Speaking & Pronunciation
• Listening
• Reading
• Writing
• Vocabulary
• Grammar

Course features:
• Project work
• Discussion
• Videos
• Using English in the real situation, e.g. shopping, travelling, telephonic, etc.
• Sightseeing tours around Cairo with Egyptian and American trainers (extra fees required).
• Training hours doesn’t include breaks.
• Regular Evaluations Along the course and the week student will leave the course.
• Money Back option If you felt that the course is not up to the promised standers.

click on below link
and Register now

[مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

Contact :
Email : (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
Mob : (يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
Mob : (يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
Mob : (يمنع عرض أرقام الهواتف بدون أذن الإدارة)
9 Abbas Al Akkad – Nasr City – Cairo – Egypt – 7th floor
الصور المرفقة Advanced Essential English-smart 2.jpg 

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