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الموضوع: A framework for implementing

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أعمال ادارية

نقاش A framework for implementing


– This paper aims to provide a TQM framework that stresses continuous improvements in
teaching as a plausible means of TQM implementation in higher education programs.

– The literature survey of the TQM philosophies and the
comparative analysis of TQM adoption in industry versus higher education provide the theoretical
and practical background for this work. The analysis of TQM in higher education was done
considering various critical factors such as existing educational practices, the barriers of TQM and the
return on investment (ROI) of TQM implementations. These explorations led to the development of a
TQM framework that adopts Deming’s wheel of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle for implementing
continuous improvements in higher education programs.

– Unlike the scenario in industry, TQM philosophies have to be adapted suitably for a
successful implementation in higher education. The proposed TQM framework with six core quality
elements encompassing the seven-step course evaluation process flow provides a systematic guideline
for an effective and efficient implementation of TQM in higher education.

– This paper fulfils the need for a systematic, feasible and cost-effective TQM
framework for higher education. The new seven-step course evaluation process flow offers a practical
guidance for academics to implement TQM in higher education programs.
Keywords Quality, Higher education, Total quality management

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