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الموضوع: Financial Management Training Program -مايزيا

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Financial Management Training Program -مايزيا

Financial Management Training Program
ماليزيا -كوالالمبور من 10 الى 14/5/2013
Program Objectives:
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  • Advance their knowledge of corporate financial management.
  • Leverage their understanding in the macro finance roles from strategic and operational perspectives.
  • Develop a practical understanding of corporate finance, capital budgeting and cost of capital.
  • Gain knowledge of how equities and fixed-income securities are priced.
  • Develop dynamic strategic financial planning models.
  • Demonstrate understanding of mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, and corporate control.
  • Manage their working capital effectively.
  • Apply conservative and aggressive approaches in working capital management.

Note: This is a hands-on training program using laptops, which will be made available by Meirc.
This program is designed for:
Financial professionals, finance managers, corporate controllers, financial controllers, treasury professionals, chief accountants, accounting managers, senior accountants, banking professionals, and corporate business professionals.
Program Outline
The Scope of Corporate Finance

  • Corporate Finance Functions
  • Dimensions of Capital Funding
  • Four Key Financial Statements
  • Financial Statements and Cash Flow Analysis
  • Types of Financial Ratios
  • Future and Present Values Practical Applications

Strategic and Operational Financial Planning

  • Overview of the Planning Process
  • Long-Term Financial Planning
  • Sustainable Growth Model
  • Pro Forma Financial Statements
  • Assumptions to Generate Pro Forma Financial Statements
  • Building Strategic Financial Models
  • Modeling What-If-Analysis

Corporate Finance, Capital Budgeting and Cost of Capital

  • The Capital Budgeting Process
  • Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return
  • Discounted Payback Period
  • Profitability Index
  • Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  • Measures of Corporate Leverage
  • Dividends and Share Repurchases

رسوم المشاركة : 2650 دولار شاملة الحقيبة و الاستراحات .
للتسجيل واتساب 00962797174949 أو 00962795784010

Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Control

  • Methods of Acquisitions
  • Types of Mergers
  • 5 Phases to the M&A Process
  • Due Diligence
  • Motives for Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Anti-Takeover Measures

Stock and Bond Valuation

  • Valuation Fundamentals
  • The Basic Valuation Model
  • Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • Zero Growth and Constant Growth Valuation Models
  • Variable Growth Model
  • Fixed Income Securities Valuation

Short-Term Financial Management

  • Liquidity versus Profitability
  • The Cash Conversion Cycle and Cash Management
  • Decisions Applied to Current Assets
  • Trade-Off in Working Capital Management (WCM)
  • Aggressive versus Conservative Approach
  • Working Capital Management

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المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

رد: Financial Management Training Program -مايزيا

We are very happy to receive all these comments its a confirmed program if you call us we will arrange a good discount for you

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