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الموضوع: Hiring Immediately - HR & Admin Manager

الصورة الرمزية Samah90
Samah90 غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

Hiring Immediately - HR & Admin Manager

HR & Admin Manager - Egypt

A well established international organization in information technology.

Plays the role of manage all department staff in performing their delegated tasks
periodically appraise the staff. Coach and counsel them as required. Encourage good communication among all levels of staff.

Contract type: Direct hire.

Work location: Cairo, Egypt.

We offer:

Your career development with a highly competitive package is available.

To apply please, send your updated CV, graduation certificate and personal photo to me.

Thank you,

الصورة الرمزية yousry99
yousry99 غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

رد: Hiring Immediately - HR & Admin Manager

Hiring Immediately - HR & Admin Manager المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Samah90 Hiring Immediately - HR & Admin Manager

HR & Admin Manager - Egypt

A well established international organization in information technology.

Plays the role of manage all department staff in performing their delegated tasks
periodically appraise the staff. Coach and counsel them as required. Encourage good communication among all levels of staff.

Contract type: Direct hire.

Work location: Cairo, Egypt.

We offer:

Your career development with a highly competitive package is available.

To apply please, send your updated CV, graduation certificate and personal photo to me.

Thank you,

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