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الموضوع: "Contract and Commercial Management" Leadership Training Center

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جديد "Contract and Commercial Management" Leadership Training Center

Greetings from Leadership Training Center

We are pleased to inform you that we are in the process of implementing Training Course:

"Contract and Commercial Management"

by the following details:

Dubai - UAE 08 : 12 January 2017


- Cost, pricing and payment

- Negotiation principles

- Overview of contractmanagement lifecycle

- Requirements developmentand management

- Bid and proposal management

- Negotiation planning andpreparation

- Transitioning to a new contract

Who should attend?

This training programme is ideal for individuals involved in or supporting contracting who want to improve their commercial management skills; individuals in functions such as project management, who need practical training in commercial management; general audiences wanting to gain a basic understanding of commercial management.

Kindly do not hesitate to contact us for any further requirements.

#Contract #Commercial #Management #Course #Dubai #Leadership #Training #Center

Yours sincerely...

Mervat Fikry

Leadership Training Center




الصور المرفقة "Contract and Commercial Management" Leadership Training Center-logo.jpg 

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