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الموضوع: Job Seeker Human Resources and Administrator Management

الصورة الرمزية sam_dahdal
sam_dahdal غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
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المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
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Job Seeker Human Resources and Administrator Management

Dear Mr. /Ms.
I am Member of IMC Jordan (Institute Of Management Consultants And Trainers), a dynamic and results oriented Professional with 21+ year of exceptional expertise in the provision of high impact, Human resources Management & General Administration, International certified Training of trainer, Public Relations, Catering Operations, Training & Development and Team Management. To leading organizations across diverse industry domains. I am seeking a challenging position at (Your Company) to establish a mutually lucrative relationship leading to growth, excellence in client servicing and high quality performance, while maintaining a keen focus on the achievement of company vision.
As my CV demonstrates, my successful track record in HR Management has enabled me to make integral contributions towards effective service delivery. My designation as a Sr. Administrator and Human Recourses Manager has embedded in me a robust understanding of monitoring scheduling for 5000 laborers.
Big picture thinker, talented and driven to impact the bottom line profitability while ensuring staff compliance to business policies & procedures. Skilled provider of advanced training, guidance and motivation that results in retention of top performance professionals. Proficient in overseeing the entire HR process including human resource planning, recruitments, salary & wages administration, employee welfare and general administration, etc. Extensive experience in general administrative activities, personnel management, corporate policy implementation and facilities management across assignments.
My extensive experience in the Catering and F&B domain has polished my proficiency in optimized budget allocation, resource procurement to target appropriate quality/quantity, strict conformance with health and safety regulations, and banquet/restaurant reservations for precise delivery of all food and beverage promotions and menus. Furthermore, as a PR Manager I was able to nurture long term client relationships by prioritizing guest satisfaction, prompt complaint resolution and consistent improvement in hotel policies/procedures based on market trends and competitor activity, thus enabling me to turn all challenges into concrete achievements, and lead by example.
I believe my commitment to excellence, ability to mentor department members, and my affirmed industry focus give me a unique and informed perspective from which I can add significant value to your business and prove myself to be a valuable member of your organization.
My attached CV details my experience. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you in person to discuss my qualifications further.
Best Regards,
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc
إسم الملف: Samer Cv.doc - حجم الملف: 725.5 كيلوبايت - مرات التحميل: 10

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