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الموضوع: An Introduction to Project Management - PMP Training Material

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An Introduction to Project Management - PMP Training Material

This course is designed for those people who have a requirement to be Managers of Projects as part of their organisational roles

No prior knowledge of project management is required to take part in the course. As the course is being delivered on a practical experiential basis where participants will be asked to consider the live projects on which they are working during the course of the session some spread of knowledge and experience is not unwelcome.

The course notes have been designed to provide a portfolio of practical techniques and guidance points which can be used in any future projects in which participants are engaged. Please make any additional notes on them that you wish. Space has been provided for you to do this.

This PMP Training Material Contains
Course Aims

Programme Outline

Project Definitions

Project Life Cycle

Commissioning Process

The Successful Project

The Business Case

The Project Mandate

Triple Constraints

Project Initiation

Work Breakdown Structure


Project Block Template

Gantt Charts


Control Charts


“What If........”

Directing a Project

Closing a Project

Project Pitfalls, stumbling blocks, cures

Further Reading

Glossary of Terms

Find PMP Training Material in the attachment
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: doc
إسم الملف: 151929424-Project-Management-Training-Material.doc - حجم الملف: 419.0 كيلوبايت - مرات التحميل: 141

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