مركزالتدريب والتعليم المستمر والأستشارات
Center for Continuing Education Training and Consultancy

يعلن عن عقد ورشة عمل بعنوان
التخطيط الاستراتيجي
Workshop on Strategic Planning
تهديكم جامعة الغرير(مركز التدريب والاستشارات) أطيب التمنيات راجيين لكم النجاح والتوفيق ، ويسرنا تقديم ورشة عمل عن التخطيط الاستراتيجى تساعدكم على تنفيذ خططكم والوصول الى اهدافكم بأساليب علمية مضمونة الجودة والنتائج بإعتبارنا شركاء فى رسم طريق النجاح واستمراره.

أهداف الورشة:
تهدف الورشة الى اكساب المشاركين خبرات و مهارات جديدة فى التخطيط الاستراتيجي ومتابعة تنفيذ الخطة وتقييمها وتحسينها الى إكساب المعنيين بالتخطيط الاستراتيجي في جميع المؤسسات خبرات معاصرة في فهم عملية التخطيط الاستراتيجي وخطواته بإستخدام التقنيات الحديثة لضمان النجاح و التميز و السفر فى اّفاق المقارنات المعيارية وفقا لافضل الممارسات .

لمن هذا البرنامج:
1. جميع الادارات فى الفئات القيادية و الاشرافية و التنفيذية.
2. العاملين فى مجال التخطيط الاستراتيجى فى القطاعين الحكومى و الخاص.
3. العاملين فى مجال الجودة و التميز و الاداء المؤسسى.
4. طلاب الدراسات ا لعليا و الراغبيين فى اكمال دراستهم فى التخطيط الاستراتيجى.
جدول أوقات ورشة العمل

سبتمبر, 2010

مركزالتدريب والتعليم المستمر والأستشارات فى جامعة الغرير يعلن عن ورشة عمل بعنوان التخطيط الاستراتيجي
مركزالتدريب والتعليم المستمر والأستشارات فى جامعة الغرير يعلن عن ورشة عمل بعنوان التخطيط الاستراتيجيProfessor Lawrence Loh
Al Ghurair University

Dr Lawrence Loh is Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Al Ghurair University, Dubai. He received a PhD in Management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His doctoral thesis was awarded first prize in the worldwide Doctoral Dissertation Competition in the field of Information Systems.
Dr Loh was from National University of Singapore where he had been Vice President, Director of Corporate Communications, Head of Quality Planning, Vice Dean (Academic Affairs), Sub Dean (Student Affairs), Director of Productivity and Quality Research Centre and Deputy Director of Centre for Management of Technology. He was also Founder and Managing Director of the Centre for Testing and Assessment Private Limited. Dr Loh was Secretary General of Association of Pacific Rim Universities and Chairman of S3 University Alliance.
Dr Loh had served in various government committees in education, information communications, science and technology, trade and industry, etc. He was consultant for several Fortune Global 500 companies, think-tanks and international organizations.
Dr Loh has published in international journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research and Journal of Management Information Systems. He has co-authored a book entitled “The Quest for Global Quality: A Manifestation of Total Quality Management by Singapore Airlines” published by Addison-Wesley.

مركزالتدريب والتعليم المستمر والأستشارات فى جامعة الغرير يعلن عن ورشة عمل بعنوان التخطيط الاستراتيجي

Professor N. Venkat Venkatraman
Boston University

N. Venkatraman is the David J. McGrath Jr. Professor of Management at the Boston University School of Management. Previously, he taught at MIT Sloan School (1984-1993) and London Business School (1999-2001). He was awarded the 2004 and 2006 IBM Faculty Fellowship for his work focusing on business challenges in the network era. His research and teaching lie at the interface between strategic management and information technology with a particular
focus on how companies position to win in a network era.
He has been recently recognized by Thomson Financial/ISI as one of the most cited researchers in strategy and information technology. His 1989 paper in Management Science is considered as one of the highly cited papers over the 50 years of the history of the journal. His research has won awards from The Academy of Management (AT Kearney Award for Outstanding Doctoral
Research) and Strategic Management Society (McKinsey Honorable Mention) and his doctoral students have been awarded prizes for their thesis work.
He writes papers for managerial audience and academic publications. His papers for managers have been published in the Sloan Management Review over the last decade. He has also published in IBM Systems Journal (1993 Special Issue on Strategic Alignment; the Turning Points issue in 2000), Business Strategy Review (London Business School) and Financial Times. His academic research has been published in Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Information Systems Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and others.
He has consulted and/or lectured for many corporations in the USA, Europe and South Africa including IBM, Microsoft, CSC, BP, Novartis, Ericsson, Canal+, ABN-AMRO, Zurich Financial, McKinsey & Co., Federal Express and others.
He holds a B. Tech degree from IIT, Kharagpur (1976), an MBA from IIM Calcutta (1979); and Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh (1985).
Presently, he is engaged in a variety of projects to understand the challenges of winning in the network era given the confluence of computers and communication technology.

مركزالتدريب والتعليم المستمر والأستشارات فى جامعة الغرير يعلن عن ورشة عمل بعنوان التخطيط الاستراتيجي

Professor Saad Mm. Othman
Al Ghurair University

Dr. Saad M. Othman is Professor and President’s Assistant for Admission & Recruitment and Director – Continuing Education ,Training and Consultancy . He had a PhD in Economics for Business from Clermont – Ferrand University, France as well as a Post . Doctorate in Strategic Planning (Doctorate d’état) from the same University.
Dr Saad M. Othman was previously Dean of Business Studies College in Al Ghurair University and before that Dean of Al Buraimi University College in the Sultanate of Oman, Dean of University Libre de Tunis, Dean of Business College in Al Mustansirah University and Kufa University in Iraq .He has been a Strategic Consultant for UAE government for many years and he is also a trainer in the areas of Strategy and Leadership for many establishments in the Gulf.
Dr. Saad Othman has published many articles in the fields of Strategy and Banking and Economic Development focusing on the Arab world.

مكان الورشة:

مكان الورشة
القاعة الكبرى - جامعة الغرير – المدينة الجامعية

Al Ghurair University

P.O. Box
37374 Dubai - United Arab Emirates
+971 (4) 4200223 Ext. 452
+971 (4) 4200226

- 700 درهم اماراتى
- يدفع المبلغ لحساب جامعة الغرير
- 001-308382- 021 بنك إتش إس بي سي الشرق الاوسط المحدود HSBC Bank Middle Eastأ/ع/م.دبي.
- نقدى بمقر الجامعة.

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