السلام عليكم\\\
أتمنى من الأعضاء والمشاركين في هذا المنتدى مساعدتي في حل هذه الأسئلة عن الإدارة والموارد البشرية والتأكد من إجاباتي ولكم جزيل الشكر...
Read the following statements carefully and decide which is true and
which is false.

1. In general, once the procedure or procedures are no longer necessary, the
organization should add a new one without deleting or eliminating the old one. (√ )
2. The term administration and management are not the same since administration is
used for the higher executive function in government while management is used for
same function but in the business world. (√ )
3. Middle managers are people who are responsible to direct the activities in such a
way to achieve organization goals. (√ )
4. One of the important functions of a supervisor is to communicate employees
problems to the higher management. (√ )
5. Executives are peoples holding jobs or functions that are related to top-level
management and are responsible for preparing strategic plans. (√ )
6. Planning is primary concerned with the future trends and situation in which other
organizations have to work. (√)
7. Forecasting is an important function of the planning process it offers many
advantages such as, assess the opportunities and threats to reduce profit. (x )
8. The need for planning is usually important in many aspects such as to gain
objectives and to increase organization effectiveness. (√ )
9. Responsibility arises from the superior-subordinate relationship and cannot be
delegated. (x)
10. The concept of acceptance authority means that power is given or pass because of
the social institution of the individual manager(√).
11. When an organization is weak in its strategies, this means that this organization
knows its desired position in the future. (x )
12. When there is a high cooperative relationship and high dual communication system
among employees, this means that the organization is almost free of conflict. (x )
13. Organizing refer to the formal grouping of employees and activities to facilitate
achievement of objectives. (x)
14. When a manager judges people because of his potion about them and not because
their abilities, then there is no favoritism in his judgment. (x )
15. When each executive can easily adjust the organization to change in the business
situation, it means there is a flexibility and the organization follow matrix system.
(√ )
16. Military or line system, functional systems and hybrid design are three of five types
of organizing personnel in the firm. (√ )
17. There are only two classification of managerial decisions making, programmed and
non-programmed, major and non-major. (x )
18. In general, there are seven types of plan of which standing plans and single-use
plans are some of them. (√ )
19. Lower-level management, do not supervise other managers and will not deals with
very important decision in the organization. (x)
20. Ineffective communication is one of the difficulties normally experienced in
decision-making. (√)
21. Line organization is the most easiest type of organization to establish and the most
simplest to explain to employees. (√ )
22. To ensure excellent discipline you need to use matrix system organization to
produce the desired result. (√ )
23. Line system organization, most of the business houses use it to ensure the separation
of mental and manual function. (√ )
24. Staff Organization has been found to be not successful when there are limited
resources to be shared. (x )
25. Functional Organization does not demand high level of interpersonal skills. (x )
26. Most corporations make heavy use of developing financial techniques such as
budgetary planning in their decision making. (√ )
27. Decision making is a process of selecting the best possible alternatives and is not the
end product. (√ )
28. In the Carrot and Stick approach, the stick represent money and the carrot represent
vacation. ( )
29. Maslow`s recognized five basic human needs which constitute a "hierarchy". (√)
30. The level of esteem needs includes sense of achievement, recognition from others,
self respect and being useful. (√)