Multiple Choice
1. The function that deals with developing a frame of reference to identify
opportunities and threats, and deals with the future is:
A- Decision – making function. ((√B))- Planning.
C- Organizing. D- Directing.

2. Grouping similar tasks into functions and the related functions into departments is
one important function of:
A- Decision – Making function. ((√B))- Staffing.
C- Planning. D- Organizing.
3. Strategies and policies in an organization is usually prepared by:
A- Lower – level management. B- Middle management.
((√C))- Top – level management. D- All answers are wrong.
4. One of the manager`s function is to:
A- Motivate his/ her employees.
B- Discourage his subordinates from working hard.
((√C))- Motivate his / her supervisors. D- Count the weekly production.
5. To achieve management objectives, managers pursue:
A- Customer dissatisfaction. B- Efficient use of resources.
C- Adequate return on capital. ((√D))- ( B + C ).
6. An organization is simply defined as:
((√A)))- People with formally assigned roles working together to achieve stated goals.
B- People who delegate their work to outside employees.
C- People un-formally working to satisfy their needs.
D- All the above.
7. A manager needs to have three basic kinds of skills:
((√A))- Technical, Human and Conceptual Skills.
B- Technical, Horse-riding, and Training skills.
C- Human, Running and Conceptual skills.
D- D- Non of the above.
8. Superimposing of one or more forms of project structure on top of an existing one
will create:
A- Organizing divisions to promote marketing.
B- An organization that focus on the need of its particular buyers.
C- A territorial departmentalization each tends to be self contained.
((D√))- A matrix organization.
9. The study of Structure, performance, functioning of an organizations and the
behavior of its employees are known as:
((√A))- Line of authority. B- Organization Theory.
C- Mass production firms. D- Non of the above.
10. The function that includes how, when, and by whom each of the organization task
takes place is called:
A- Policies. B- Objectives.
((√C))- Procedures. D- Strategies.
11. To bridge the gap from where one is to where one wants to be, one needs to:
((√A))- Produce graduate students. B- Do Planning.
C- Manufacturing goods. D- Non of the above.
12. Operational and Strategic plans differ in terms of the:
A- Time period. B- Range of organizational activities.
C- Don't differ. ((√D))- (A+B).
13. For any organization planning is important because:
A- Objectives should be more concrete and tangible.
B- Uncertainties of the Future.
C- Effectiveness of the organization.
((√D))- All of the above.
14. What an Organization wants to be or wants to be known for is vividly stated in its:
A- Mission. B- Training.
C- Vision. ((√D))- Non of the above.
15. To take an organization from certain position to a different position you need to
A- Objectives. B- Procedures.
C- Policies.(( D√))- Strategies.
16. Structuring an organization around, Product, Or Customers Or Location is Known
A- Divisional departmentation. B- Flat organization.
((C√))- Horizontal organization. D- Diagonal organization.
17. To Coordinate and integrate organization goals and activities you need to have:
A- Human skills. ((B√))- Conceptual skills.
C- Technical skills. D- Management skills.
18. The word that is completely opposite to Centralization:
((A√))- Delegation. B- Autocracy.
C- Decentralization. D- Dictatorship.
19. To know how a system is performing over a period of time you can measure:
A- Material Productivity. B- Labor Productivity.
((C√))- Capital Productivity. D- Any of the above.
20. When everyone knows whom he is responsible for, then we have a:
A- No Clear situation. B- Mixed responsibilities.
C- Vagueness ((D√)) Fixed responsibility..
21. To influence your employees to work willingly toward goal achievement you need:
A- To get what you want by force.
B- To make your employees work as hard as possible.
((C√))- Leadership skill.
D- To order your employees to make the highest profit.
22. Traditional Approach to motivation uses:
A- Hygiene theory. B- Carrot and Stick approach.
((C√))- Need Theory. D- All of the above.
23. A leader means:
((A√))- Having the power to act and Having the authority to run business with.
B- Having the potential to run for manager again.
C- Having persistent personality.
D- Reviewing a leadership situation, identifying and formulating actions.
24. Maslow's Need theory recognizes:
A- Physiological and security needs. B- Self – actualization needs.
C- A affiliation and esteem needs. ((D√))- All of the above.
25. Leaders can improve their traits by taking the following steps:
A- Increase their knowledge, and de-bias their judgment.
((B√))- Be creative responsible and use their intuition.
C- Make sure the timing is right and not overstresses their decision to be final.
((D√))- All of the above.
26. A leader's authority most commonly stems from:
A- The position to whisk the person is appointed and by being dependable.
B- The fearful treatment he uses on his employees.
C- His objective to become authoritative.
((D√))- All of the above.
27. Types of employment test include:
A- Achievement tests. B- A aptitude tests.
C- Physical tests. ((D√))- (A+B).
28. An inter-national manager need to know:
A- How to carry out the management functions on an international scale.
B- The economic systems, exchange rate of the countries doing business with.
C- The political risks, legal, and cultural differences.
D- All of the above.
29. A leader must provide:
A- Customers goods and full assistant.
B- Full stock to maximize profit.
((C√))- A direction toward which employees can work.
D- Non of the above.
30. Some of the disadvantages of having matrix organization are:
A- Develops employees skill, challenges team members, free top management.
B- Lead to slower decision making and less responsiveness.
((C√))- High cost, time consuming, power struggles and conflicts, duplication of efforts.
D- Responsibilities for overall performance with chief executive only.
31- Monitor role is a kind of …………………..
a- interpersonal role ((b√))- informational role c- decision role
32- Management roles are interpersonal role, informational role and ……………….
a- supervisor's role b- figurehead role ((c√))- decision role
33- Leader role is a kind of ……………………..
((a√))- interpersonal role b- informational role c- decision role
34- - resource Allocator role is a kind of ……………………….
a- supervisor's role b- figurehead role ((c√))- decision role
35- In the ……………. role, the manager represents the company legally and socially to
those outside of the organization
a- figurehead ((b√))- liaison c- monitor d- negotiator
36- There are three roles in management roles. (put ((√true)) or false)
37- Business environments are economic, social, political and …………….
a- informational b- technical ((√c-)) legal d- decision
38- The ……………. environment is made up of the attitudes, desires, expectations,
degrees of intelligence and education, beliefs, and customs of people in a given group
or society.
a- economic ((b√))- social c- legal d- political
39- The …………..……..environment depends on the attitudes and actions of political
and government leaders and legislators do chance the ebb and How of social demands
and beliefs.
a- economic ((b√))- social c- legal d- political
40- The ……………………..environment includes laws, regulations.
a- economic b- social ((c√))- legal d- political
41- ……………..includes Prevention of environmental pollution and ecological
imbalance and Overall development of the locality where the business is situated
((a√))- economic objectives b- social objectives c- political objectives
42-…………. is the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, motivating
and controlling the resources
a- business b- management ((c√))- administration d- management skills
43- …………….is a person who plans, organizes, leads, and controls human, financial
physical and information resources in the efficient and effective pursuit of specified
organizational goals
a- supervisor b- manager c- employee ((d√))- management
44- …………………….. developing a futuristic frame of reference from which to
identify opportunities and threats
a- controlling b- directing c- organizing ((d√))- planning
45- ………………… the management function of assigning duties, grouping
establishing authority, and allocating resources required to carry out a specific.
a- controlling b- directing ((c√))- organizing d- planning
46- ……………. is the management function of influencing, motivating, and directing
hi resources towards the achievement of organizational goals.

47- ……………. is the management function of monitoring organizational perform
towards the attainment of organizational goals.
((a√))- controlling b- directing c- organizing d- planning
48- ………… the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people as
individuals or in groups.
((a√))- human skill b- conceptual skill c- economic skill
49-is the ability to coordinate and integrate the organization's goals and activities.
a- human skill ((b√))- conceptual skill c- economic skill
50- …………………. consists of a small group of people and is responsible for the
overall management of an organization.
((a√))- top level management b- upper middle management
c- middle management. d- lower-level or first line management.
51- …………………. consists of heads of various functional divisions
a- top level management ((b√))- upper middle management
c- middle management. d- lower-level or first line management.
52- In the …………….. role, the manager represents the company legally and socially
to those outside of the organization
a- liaison ((b√))- figurehead c- leader d- monitor
53- In the …………….role , the manager receives and collects information. The
information collected, by scanning the environment, facilitates managerial decisionmaking
a- liaison b- figurehead c- leader ((d√))- monitor
54-The types of planning are single use plans and ……………..
a- suitable plans ((b√))- standing plans c- standing plans
55- ………………is an example of single use plans.
a- policies ((b√))- budgets c- methods d- objectives
56- …………… a process of determining the major objectives of an organization
and the policies and strategies that will govern the acquisition and use of resources to
achieve those objectives.
a- controlling ((b√))- corporate planning c- organizing
57- Strategic and operational plans differ in Time horizon, scope and ……
((a√))- little details b- large details c- no details
58 - …………………. refers to the structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined
functions and relationship as prescribed by the top management and bound by rules,
In addition, procedures.
((a√))- formal organizations b – informal organizations c-directing
59- ………………………… refers lo the relationships between people in an
organization based not on procedures and regulations but on personal attitudes
a- formal organizations (( b√)) – informal organizations c-directing
60- There are ……………..types of organizations.
a- 3 b- 4 ((c√))-5 d- 6
61- The merits of ………………….are simplicity , unified control, strong discipline,
fixed responsibility and prompt decisions.
a- Military or Line system b- Functional system
c- Line and staff system ((d√))- Matrix system
62 - ………………… is that condition wherein much of the decision-making authority
is retains at the top of the managerial hierarchy
((√a))- Centralization b- decentralization c- authority.
63- ……………………. is that condition wherein much of the decision-making
authority is pushed downward to the lower management levels.
a- Centralization ((b√))- decentralization c- authority.
64 - ……………………. is "legal or rightful power that gives a right to command or to
a- Centralization b- decentralization ((c√))- authority d- responsibility
65 - ………………… may be defined as the obligation of a subordinate to whom a
duty has been assigned, to perform the duty.
a- Centralization b- decentralization c- authority ((d√))- responsibility
66 - …………………cannot be delegated.
a- Centralization ((b√))- decentralization c- authority d- responsibility
67- The principles of delegation are functional definition, Scalar principle, Authority level
Principle, unity of command and ………………..
((a√))- principle of directing b- Principle of parity c- principle of coordinating
68 -…………………. is the activity of interpersonal influencing people to strive
willingly for group objectives.
a- supervisor ((b√))- Leadership c- directing d- administration
69-Supervision can broadly be classified as close supervision and ………supervision
a- open b- hard c- near ((d√))- general
70 -………………… reduces the worker's effectiveness.
((a√))- close supervision b- general supervision c- no supervision
71- ………….. gives the employees a chance to develop their talents; they learn to
make decisions by being in a position to make them
a- close supervision ((b√))- general supervision
c- controlling d- directing
72 -………….derive their authority from the group rather than imposing it upon them.
a- workers b- leaders ((c√))- subordinates
73- There are kinds of leaders and they are autocratic leaders , participative leaders and
((a√))- free reign-leaders b- honest leaders c- self confident leaders
74- ……………. Factors include challenge, chance for personal growth and
performance feedback.
((a√))- outcomes b- motivating c- satisfaction d- Physiological
75 - Mccellands's three needs are the need for achievement, the need for power, and
((a√))- the need for authority b- the need foe love c- the need for affiliation
76 - Leadership treats are self confident, responsibility, warm, sensitive and ………….
a- experience b- good c- weak ((d√))- intelligent
77- The first level of …………. includes food, air, water, sleep, shelter, sex, and any
other necessities to sustain and preserve life.
a- safety needs b- social needs
((c√))- physiological needs d- Esteem needs
78 - ……………….. include the need to be liked by others, to be a wanted member,
and to belong to a group other than just a family.
a- safety needs ((b√))- social needs
c- physiological needs d- Esteem needs
79- ……………….include the need for self-respect, sense of achievement, and
recognition from others.
a- safety needs b- social needs
c- physiological needs ((d√))- Esteem needs
80- Herzberg categorized needs of individuals into two groups. Motivation factors
and ……………….
a- outcomes b- motivating ((c√))- hygiene d- Physioligica
81 - Planning identifies commitments to action intended for future accomplishments.
While , …………………… function is performed to ensure that the commitments are
carried out.
((a√))- organizing b- controlling c- directing d- managing
82- Controlling consists of a process made up of Measuring performance,
comparing performance with the standard and …………………
((a√))- correcting unfavorable deviation b- correcting the current plane
c- changing the plane d- directing the plane
83- ……………………… is determining what is being accomplished.
((a√))- directing b- planning c- controlling d- organizing
84 - Controlling consists of a process made up of the following three definite,
measuring performance, comparing performance and Correcting unfavorable
((a√))- performance b- deviation c- administration d- management
85- Some difficulties in decision-making are incomplete information, unsporting
environment, ineffective communication and …………..
a- lack of experience b- lack of leaders
((c√))- incorrect timing d- lack of sources
86- The importance of a decision depends upon Flexibility of plans, Certainty of goals
and premises, Human impact and ……………………..
a- good planning b- good controlling
((c√))- correct timing d- Size or length of commitment
87 - In evaluating alternatives , there are certain tangible factors to be assessed in terms
of, man-hours, machine-hours, unit of output, rates of return on investment and the
other factors are …………………
a- motivation factors b- intangible factors
c- helping factors d- main factors
88 - Some approaches that used in decision making are Scientific management
techniques, Human relation techniques, Empirical techniques, Financial techniques,
Decision theory techniques and ………………….
a- Mathematical model techniques b- economic techniques
c- social techniques d- political techniques
89 - The elements of a decision-making process are the decision-maker,
the decision problem, the decision environment, objectives of the decision-maker, the
available alternative, the outcome expected and …………………………….
a- the culture of decision maker b- the size of organization
c- the final choice of the alternative d- quality of leader
90- ……………………….. is the process of selecting a course of action from among
a- organizing ((b√))- decision making c- planning d- directing
91 - ………………. signifies individual and group activities directed toward wealth
generation through exchange of goods and services.
a- management b- business c- administration d- directing
92 - The objectives of business are two-fold: economic and ………….
a- legal b- political c- science ((d√))- social
93 - …………………….are responsible for communicate employees problems to the
higher management.
a- workers b- managers ((c√))- supervisor d- lead