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الموضوع: اريد دراسات سابقة اجنبية عن اثر الحوافز في تقليل ضغوط العمل

الصورة الرمزية فلسطينية اصيلة
فلسطينية اصيلة غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

اريد دراسات سابقة اجنبية عن اثر الحوافز في تقليل ضغوط العمل

مسا الخير
لو سمحتم عندي مشروع تخرج مين بيقدر يساعدني بدراسات سابقة اجنبية عن اثر الحوافز في تقليل ضغوط العمل

ولكم جزيل الشكر

نبذه عن الكاتب
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

رد: طلب مساعدة

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Rewards and Recognition
Recognizing Employees Leads to Better Business

Having a rewards and recognition program in place lets valued employees know that their contributions are important and efforts are appreciated.
Without dedicated employees, businesses would not be doing so well. Saying thank you to those who help a company succeed can go a long way when business owners and managers are sincere. Having a rewards and recognition program in place lets valued employees know that their contributions are important and their efforts are appreciated. Not only will the employees appreciate it, but customers may appreciate it as well.
When employees are happy and satisfied with their work, their attitude will be reflected in the service they provide. When employers go the extra mile to keep employees happy and treat team members well, staff members will often go the extra mile to ensure customers are happy. Treating people well is very often infectious.

a. Employee Morale:

Studies show that employee morale significantly increases when employees feel that their work is valued. According to the Business Research Lab (2007), “rewarding and recognizing positive results is an important factor in retaining employees.” Most people are not motivated by money alone. Employees want to feel appreciated, recognized and valued.
In the book, 1001 Ways to Reward Employees: 100's of New Ways to Praise! Revised & Updated 2nd Edition, Bob Nelson (2005) suggests, “The best praise is done soon, specifically, sincerely, personally, positively, and proactively.” When employees feel valued, they are more satisfied and happier at work, and in turn will provide better service to the customers. Putting an employee rewards and recognition program in place does not have to be difficult or costly. There are many things that can be done to show the team that their efforts are appreciated not only when the accomplishment is big, but all the time.

b. Implementing the Rewards and Recognition Program:
Put together a rewards and recognition program easily by following these steps:

- Document the program: Make sure the program is official by documenting and formalizing the program. Define the incentives, rewards, and opportunities for appreciation and anything else that will be included in the program.

- Determine the rewards: Rewards can be low cost, like printed certificates, weekly prizes for exceptional work, allowing employees to award other employees a reward, staff lunches, ice cream socials, or even bringing baked goods to someone who does something notable. Other reward ideas may cost a little more, like an extra hour for lunch, a gift certificate, or a day off.
- Create opportunities for recognition: Sometimes being recognized for a special accomplishment or activity is better than a physical reward. Allow several opportunities for this type of recognition. Opportunities to offer praise and recognition might be staff meetings, company meetings, e-mail alerts, and verbal praise. Encourage employees to say ‘thank you’ to each other and recognize the efforts of their co-workers whenever possible.

- Announce the program: Make the new rewards and recognition program a big deal. Announce it a company meeting and send the policy out to all employees. This lets the staff know that the program is important and there is sincerity in creating it.

- Follow the policy: A policy is no good unless it is actually followed. Employers must be an advocate of the rewards and recognition program and encourage others to stick with it. It is easy to become lax when it comes to appreciation, but keeping up with the program will encourage employees to keep up with their great work.

Putting together rewards and recognition program or an incentive program is a great step toward improving employee morale and encouraging more productivity. If employees are happy and motivated, customers will be happier and will reap the benefits as well. Saying thank you to everyone for a job well done is important. A little “thank you” will go a long way!

***Read more at Suite101: [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ][مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

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دبلوم المحاسب المالي المحترف - PFA - دراسة اونلاين

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دورة ادارة وتخطيط وقت العمل في المستشفيات

اقوى دورة تدريبية تهدف لمساعدة المشاركين فيها على اكتساب مهارات ادارة وتخطيط وقت العمل في المستشفيات من خلال تحليل وتقييم الوقت في المستشفى ووضع خطط عمل فعالة ومرنة ويساعدهم في تحسين مهارة التنظيم الشخصي وتخطيط المهام وتحسين عملية الاتصال والتنسيق بين الفريق الطبي ويكسبهم مهارة التعامل مع التحديات والضغوط اليومية بهدف تحسين الانتاجية وتقليل الاجهاد.

Mini MBA في مكافحة العدوى المكتسبة بالمستشفيات

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