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الموضوع: Business to Business Marketing

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Business to Business Marketing

The world economy has been divided into the 'Haves and Have-nots'. India has remained a developing nation even as the country has progressed at a faster pace than several other developing nations. With democratically elected government and multi-party political scene the country needed a major political thrust to accelerate its economic growth rate. With the major initiative of the Government of India in 1991, the process started that began taking the country into the market economy. The famous Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation (LPG) have revolutionised the Indian market that had till 1991 remained placid with little competition. With an increase in number of international players for almost all products, with better products, with several international brands in the market and with newer ways of product placement and product communication the corporate world has realised the urgency and importance of learning the newer ways of product sales. Competition has become intense and chaotic with, on the one hand great international brands on the other, locally assembled products in the unorganised sector and opening of the vast international arena both for imports and exports of products. Therefore, for the students of Marketing Management study of Business to Business Marketing Management has become imperative. The book offers extensive and yet in-depth learning experience with interactive sessions, including Management Games, Specially Selected Case Studies that create a virtual world enabling the students imbibe the nuances of the subject with interest and comparative ease.
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برنامج تدريبي يساعدك في اكتساب الخبرات المهنية لادارة المشاريع وتطبيقها في عملك و يمكنك من وضع نظام يناسب المؤسسة لكيفية ادارة المشروعات والعمليات المرتبطة بها وتكاملها مع التقارير المطلوبة ومؤشرات الأداء.

دورة تدريبية متخصصة في فن الإلقاء الإذاعي

دورة تدريبية متخصصة تساعدك على تعلم فن الالقاء الاذاعي والاداء التمثيلي وكيفية التنقل بين طبقات الصوت وأهمية ذلك في نقل المعنى للجمهور وتنظيم التنفس ومهارات فن الإلقاء المختلفة.

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