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الموضوع: HR and Job Satisfaction

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HR and Job Satisfaction

There is no doubt that relation between HR management and employees is an essential core and asset to ensure that employment and employees related issues are well done and well management.

Let’s briefly list the responsibilities of HR management. HR is the department of a company that handles the employees’ needs. From the step of recruiting till the point of termination or retirement, HR handles all the process of hiring, training, orienting, motivating, evaluating, and terminating.

Below, are some standard responsibilities of a human resources department include the following:
· Securing, offering and explaining benefits, like health insurance .
· Managing on-the-job health and safety issues.
· Offering information or advice on special work programs, like reimbursement for continuing [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] or [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] programs.
· Advertising available jobs, screening applicants, setting up interviews and potentially hiring applicants.
· Handling all [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] related to the hiring or firing of employees.
· Distributing paychecks and bonuses (though paycheck disbursement may be outsourced to another company).
· Helping workers apply for family leave, maternity leaves, sabbaticals or disability payments.
· Possibly participating in motivational company wide events.
· Approving performance reviews and assessing raises or promotions.
· Handling complaints about employer abuses, sexual [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ], [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] or hostile [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] charges.

Hence, it is very clear that HR deals with employees needs and what can affect the employees, and what can influence them to ensure that job processes and performance are maintained controlled and decent.
Having such level of employees’ performance is technically a sign of the happiness and positive efforts shown by employees, and this behavior is know as employee satisfaction, or job’s satisfaction.

So let’s see what satisfaction in employee’s behavior might means, and what can affect it.

First, Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.
Many experts believe that one of the best ways to maintain employee satisfaction is to make workers feel like part of a family or team. Holding office events, such as parties or group outings, can help build close bonds among workers. Many companies also participate in team-building retreats that are designed to strengthen the working relationship of the employees in a non-work related setting. Camping trips, [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] wars and guided [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] trips are versions of this type of team-building strategy, with which many employers have found success.

Doing such activities is part of HR department as strategies to increase employee’s satisfaction as it is an essential factor to increase productivity.

Second, what is Job Satisfaction?
Job satisfaction is a business term that refers to a person’s contentment with his or her job. Numerous factors can contribute to an employee’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the workplace. Such factors can include the work environment, employee relations, and salary. Although an individual’s perception of his or own job contentment is usually subjective, there are methods that employers can use to quantify responses to employee surveys and other similar measurement tools. They can then implement measures to help foster job satisfaction among workers. Ultimately, though, it may be up to individual employees to ensure their own contentment.

Over time, different theories have evolved regarding the perceived connections between job satisfaction and other variables such as workplace productivity. According to some human resources professionals, for instance, employee satisfaction typically leads to increased motivation, which then results in improved performance. Some studies have shown, however, that this is not necessarily the case; they have concluded that job satisfaction and productivity might both be associated with another variable such as an employee’s personality, but that satisfaction alone does not necessarily cause higher productivity.

Even if workplace satisfaction does not directly result in higher productivity, it can still be valuable because it often leads to lower rates of employee turnover. When satisfied with their jobs, workers do not tend to feel like they are easily replaceable. In turn, they are apt to be more loyal to their employers and remain in their positions.

Managers might wonder, then, which factors actually contribute to higher workplace productivity. Employee morale is usually a consideration. The difference between job satisfaction and morale may seem minute. Yet, the former focuses more on the individual worker’s personality and its compatibility with his or her occupation. The latter, morale, assumes more of a collective feeling among co-workers. Some examples might include a sense of teamwork, purpose, recognition for achievements, and a positive workplace environment. Generally, co-worker relations are cordial and not strained or hostile.

Human resource management professionals often measure employees’ job satisfaction by assessing workplace attitudes. This can take place informally through conversations between workers and their supervisors or with human resources representatives. Many organizations administer formal surveys and then use the results to amend workplace policies and procedures as necessary. Some businesses work with outside consulting firms to analyze the results of their employee satisfaction surveys. They might then hold workshops or training sessions to help their employees determine the professional roles that suit them.

Based on the above we can conclude how it is important to maintain a high level of job and employees’ satisfaction because it is directing affecting the productivity and performance.
Not to mention that HR management can use many tools and strategies to maintain satisfaction at high level, and to keep performance as perfect as possible.

HR may use bonuses, awards, raise, and promotion as motivation to increase satisfaction, because money and “tangible awards” are considered the main motivator of an employee.

Of course, few workers will not experience a boost in morale after receiving more money. Raises and bonuses can seriously affect employee satisfaction, and should be given when possible. Yet money cannot solve all morale issues, and if a company with widespread problems for workers cannot improve their overall environment, a bonus may be quickly forgotten as the daily stress of an unpleasant job continues to mount.

However, for a company to produce well-trained, competent and committed workers, management must learn the organizational efforts that are necessary to implement and foster increased [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] satisfaction. Although different companies require different programs and incentives, you can implement a general plan of action today that ensures your workers are happy and loyal for years to come.

And as it is HR’s responsibility to deal with employees’ needs and performance factors, a HR management may set some instructions to ensure that employees and performance are under control, and the human’s factor and needs are not ignored.

1. Share the company's mission and vision for each quarter -- using visual aids, if necessary -- and assign tasks based on level of training, personal skill and talent. According to a human resource article titled, "How to Improve Employee Satisfaction," "Building a corporate [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] that requires employees to be an integral part of the organization can boost job satisfaction and overall productivity."

2. Implement new programs. On-site child-care services, laundry pick-up services and discount meal services can improve company morale and help employees balance work and life more effectively.

3. Encourage open communication between management and staff. Develop a confidential delivery option for feedback. For example, install a lockable box with an opening for employees to drop in written feedback. Review the feedback to better understand why your employees feel dissatisfied.

4. Offer flexible work schedules, permitting seasoned employees to create their own work schedule. Easing an employer's work schedule can reduce job loss and keep training costs down, according to an "Entrepreneur" magazine article titled "Improve Your Employees' Job Satisfaction." Employees with small children can benefit from spending more time involved in [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] and school activities.

5. Offer employees greater responsibility. Allow workers to feel the satisfaction of personal achievement and acknowledge those achievements with bonuses as well as written and/or verbal praise.

Based on the above we can conclude that the level of job and employee’s satisfaction is mainly depends on HR’s strategies and responsibilities, and on how HR management deals with employees and human as an asset for the company.
Not to mention that generally speaking, the best you treat your employees the better work environment you will have, the better friendly relation you will set between employees and management, and the more convenience you will create in the work place.

Making the employees feel satisfied and they are important to the company, it is a clear sign that a HR manager cares about them and they are rewarded for good performance.

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رد: HR and Job Satisfaction

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رد: HR and Job Satisfaction

Hope that will help you and let me know if you have further questions

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رد: HR and Job Satisfaction

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رد: HR and Job Satisfaction

Thank you "Iman" for your participation ...Regards

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