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الموضوع: Business Writing for Results

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Business Writing for Results

Business Writing for Results : How to Create a Sense of Urgency and Increase Response to All of Your Business Communications
Clear and persuasive writing holds the key to career success and advancement. Yet, far too few people have learned the styles and strategies that are essential for successful business writing. Business Writing for Results, written by one of today's most popular and motivational business writing trainers, outlines an easy-to-use and easy-to-remember three-step system for crafting letters, proposals, E-mails, reports, and memos that are powerful and persuasive and guaranteed to produce results.
الصور المرفقة

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36-Hour Course in Business Writing and Communication

In the workplace, your writing speaks volumes about you. Whether you’re crafting a three-line message or a 300-page report, you need to write in a polished, professional way—regardless of your... (مشاركات: 0)

Writing at Work: A Guide to Better Writing Administration, Business and Management

This book is for those who have difficulty in getting thoughts into words or their ideas across, as well as those who are satisfied with their writing but are ready to consider the possibility of... (مشاركات: 1)

Handbook For Writing Proposals

Proven techniques and invaluable advice for writing winning business proposals—revised and updated! What makes a winning business proposal? It highlights your skills and services, meets your client's... (مشاركات: 0)

Writing For Business - Crafting an Employee Appreciation Letter

An employee appreciation letter is a great way to acknowledge performance and, even more important, to strengthen employee loyalty. To be effective, however, these letters must contain meaningful... (مشاركات: 0)


The Classification Plan of the California State University serves as a basis for maintaining salary levels for employees which are equitable in relation to the work performed. Through the process of... (مشاركات: 6)

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