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الموضوع: Making Inclusion Work: Experiences from Academia Around the World

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Making Inclusion Work: Experiences from Academia Around the World

This innovative book explores how inclusion can be enhanced in academia by considering the strategic work of expert academics from around the world. It offers a new look at academic work through the ***s of passionate practitioners who have each, in their own ways, made inclusion work. Making Inclusion Work exemplifies how academics can meaningfully engage in inclusive practices in their everyday work. Scholars across the world share their experiences of intervening in curriculum development, teaching and research, and reflect on practices that have worked in local contexts. The authors discuss the process for reading greater inclusion - which begins with an honest appraisal of current local practice. Reflective developers in academic institutions and educational administration will appreciate the unique insights provided by this book. Students interested in diversity and inclusion, academic practices, and autobiographical action-oriented research will also find the contributions invaluable.
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