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الموضوع: HR Payroll System (corporate version) - RFI / RFP Requirements Checklist

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HR Payroll System (corporate version) - RFI / RFP Requirements Checklist


This Checklist may be used in multiple software system selection tasks, including: system requirements specification, RFI / RFP creation, vendor response to RFI / RFP, evaluation and scoring of vendor response. Please refer to the appropriate instructions below.

The Checklist is based on UK and general HR Payroll systems, with additional USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand specific requirements detailed in worksheets 7 (Payroll) and 14 (HR). As appropriate:
- UK users should ignore worksheets 7 and 14 or
- USA, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand users should include worksheets 7 and 14 (relevant sections) and substitute these for the UK equivalents.

1. Instructions for worksheets

Worksheet 1 (Business Analysis) requires a brainstorming approach to define the problems of your current system and outline your vision of the new system. The responses in this worksheet form the basis for the subsequent worksheets.

Worksheets 2 - 24 have multiple columns to complete:

Column A (Ref) - functional criteria reference. Leave the reference numbers as they are or amend as required.

Column B (Functional Requirements) - review, amend, add to or delete as required, to tailor to your specific requirements.

Column C (Cu) - to note the function is currently used. The default is N(o). Change to Y(es) as appropriate.

Column D (Wt) - for importance weighting of a future requirement. An easy-to-use numerical weighting range is listed below, but other wider ranges can be used. The default is 0 (zero). Change as appropriate.
- 4: a future requirement so vital, that if it is not available within the new software, then the software would automatically be excluded from the selection process (suggest use sparingly)
- 3: an essential future requirement, without which the business would suffer
- 2: a desirable future requirement which would improve business performance
- 1: a nice (to have) future requirement which may be useful if included
- 0: not required (suggest delete 'not required' criteria to tidy up the requirements specification)

Column E (Sc) - for scoring the vendor response. An easy-to-use numerical scoring range is listed below, but other wider ranges can be used. The default is 0 (zero). Change as appropriate.
- 3: requirement exceeded
- 2: requirement fully met
- 1: requirement partially met
- 0: requirement not met

Column F (WS) - for weighted score. Automatically calculated (Wt x Sc = WS). The results can be used to compare different software / vendor solutions and how well they meet your requirements.

Column G (Vendor Response) - for software vendors to fill in stating how their software meets your requirements. Information you are likely to need from a vendor includes:
- the version number which supports the required function
- whether minor modifications (eg screen / layout changes) or major modifications (eg source code, interface routines) are required
- if not available within the current software, whether it will be included within a future release and if so the release number / due date
- whether the required function is available using a 3rd party software or is simply not available

All worksheets are completely flexible. Rows and columns may be resized. Data may be amended. Worksheets may be added or deleted.

All calculated figures are in coloured in orange, to assist easy recognition, however, the colour may be changed as desired. The worksheets use simple Excel calculations (addition, multiplication etc) to calculate weighted scores, sub totals and totals. No macros are used. Calculations may be altered as required. After changes have been made to the worksheets, it is recommended that the calculations are checked.

Worksheet 25 is a summary of module / vendor scores and weighted scores.

2. Instructions for System Requirements Specification

For optimum results, first complete worksheets 1 (Business Analysis) and 2 (HR Payroll System Overview) to provide your outline system requirements. Then complete the detailed module worksheets 3 to 24 (omitting any which are not relevant) to provide your detailed HR Payroll system requirements.

Take the opportunity to reconsider your current business processes and where these can, or need to be improved. Consider the technology improvements you want from a new system. And consult with the present system users to ensure that all the relevant issues are identified.

Note the functions you currently use (in the Cu column) and then assess your future requirements and their importance / weighting (in the Wt column). Should you have additional requirements, which are not listed, add these in and list their importance. Amend or delete any items as necessary.

Work the way that suits you - either on screen, on paper, or a mix of both.

The Checklist has been designed to print on single sheets of A4 size paper - for ease of printing. To print, select File > Print and choose Active Sheet (to print individual worksheet) or Entire Workbook (to print all worksheets).

Once all the relevant worksheets and sections have been completed, review and amend as required.

3. Instructions for RFI / RFP creation

Take the completed system requirements specification - either outline (for RFI ie from worksheets 1 and 2) or detail (for RFP ie from worksheets 3 to 24) and add the following as required eg
- covering letter
- your objectives for changing your systems
- organisation background details
- key selection steps and dates
- an outline of how the RFI responses will be evaluated
- how you would like the vendors to respond
- information requested from vendors

4. Instructions for software vendor response to RFI / RFP

Vendors to use Column G to respond to your software system requirements.

5. Instructions for evaluating and scoring software vendor response

Evaluate the vendor response for each functional criteria. Input a score (as suggested above) and let the Checklist automatically calculate 'weighted scores'.

Use scores and weighted scores to compare the results of different software / vendor solutions.
الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: xls
إسم الملف: SAMPLE_HRP_corp_401.xls - حجم الملف: 307.0 كيلوبايت - مرات التحميل: 250

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رد: HR Payroll System (corporate version) - RFI / RFP Requirements Checklist

Thanks fot this explanation and attached file
With compliment
Prof. Dr. Ahmed ebieda

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