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الموضوع: Payroll Solution in Single Sheet

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Payroll Solution in Single Sheet

Here is an excellent sheet which solves your big problem named "Payroll Solution" from a single work sheet.

It includes all the stuff required for calculating salary and leaves.

Please Note that You can enter your Detail in White Background Cells Only
Follow Following Steps
1) Enter Your Company Details in "Company Detail Shee"
You can setup Salary structure as per of your company Policy (change figures in white Backgrround).
(Change % according to your need,ex. Basic is indicated 25% of Gross salary, You can Change This as per Your Policy)
Please note that salary of All Employee will be generated according to This Figures
Enter List of All Department of Your Company in any order
Enter List of All Designation of Your Company in any order
Select Income Tax Slab of Perticular Year
2) Enter Your Employee Details in "Master Data Sheet"
Here You can Enter Employee Details (Like Emp Code,Bank Details,DOB,DOJ.etc)
Here You have to enter His/hers Monthly Gross Salary remaning Salary structure will be generated as per
your details provided by you in "Company Detail Sheet"
Here You can enter His/Her's Leave Detail,Rent Details(Yearly amount),80D,80G (Yearly Amount).
Income Tax Will be calculated as per your Income Tax Slab Provided by You
3) Attendance Register
You can Enter Employee Attendance in Attendance Register given in Monthly
If You want to enter Attendance of Jan-Open "Jan" sheet enter Present,Absent..(Each meaning is given
in "Company Detail Sheet")
Special Leave is a Leave Against work on Holidays
You can also Enter Overtime in this sheet
4) Generate Salary slip
You can generate Salary Slip By Each month
Open Perticular month Sheet's (Attdence is already taken from "Attendance Sheet" of that month
You have to only enter other details of perticular Employee
5) Print out Salary slip
Print out Salary slip of Each Employee from"Salary Print Out sheet"
6) You can also find out Leave History of Each and Every Employee from " Personal Leave Graph"
7) You can also track of Your All employees' Salary from "Salary Master Sheet"

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip
إسم الملف: PAYROLL SOLUTION IN SINGLE SHEET.zip - حجم الملف: 1.62 ميجابايت - مرات التحميل: 552

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