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الموضوع: Employee Assessment And Development Plan

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Employee Assessment And Development Plan


1. Preparing for the Interview
• Notify the employee (usually in writing) of the time and place of the meeting several days in advance.
• Provide the employee with the "Employee" copy of the Plus/Delta form, prior to the interview. Instruct him/her to write down any information that he/she feels may be pertinent to a discussion of the areas referred to on the form.
• Review any written records or materials relevant to the employee's past performance, including recommendations/goals from the last assessment and development interview and the appropriate job description.
• Solicit the opinions of other supervisors and managers with whom the employee has regular contact regarding how his/her performance has improved, declined, or otherwise measured up to established standards.
• Complete the "Supervisor" copy of the Plus/Delta form and bring to the interview.
• Complete the form by marking the individual rating boxes below each of the performance measurement categories as well as the overall performance rating box. Complete the Specific Job Criteria category, if applicable.
2. Conducting the Interview
• Select a place that is private and quiet, where you will not be interrupted.
• Establish an open, friendly atmosphere in which both parties can express themselves freely and without fear of triggering an angry or defensive reaction.
• State why the discussion is taking place (even though you both already know).
• Explain how the interview will be handled and what role each of you will play.
• Emphasize the importance of two-way communication throughout the interview.

3. Joint Assessment
• Using the Plus/Delta forms compare the employee's analysis of the assessment and development period with yours. Discuss the comparison and try to agree on what (if anything) should be done differently. It may not be possible to reach total agreement on all points, but it is important that you both reach an understanding of the other person's views.
• The supervisor may schedule a mid-term progress meeting.
4. Developing Recommendations
• Together with the employee, after a review of the Plus/Delta, develop an action plan to accomplish the recommendations for the next assessment and development period. The action plan should cover the following points:
 What steps the employee can take to build on his/her strengths;
 What specific steps can be taken to improve performance in weak areas;
 How much improvement in specific areas of performance should be achieved and within what time frame;
 What can be done if problems are encountered in achieving these goals between now and the date of the next assessment and development;
 What support the supervisor/manager can provide to help the employee successfully complete his/her action plan.
• Record each specific recommendation on the form.
5. Progress Review
• Set up a time for a mid-year progress meeting to review what has been achieved up to that point.
• Discuss any problems that have been encountered and what can be done to resolve them. The purpose of the progress review is to maintain the employee's motivation and to keep the goals realistic.
• Emphasize your availability for continuing guidance and resources.

• The Professional Development Plan is optional and separate from the assessment process. It is a voluntary plan between the employee and supervisor/manager designed to detail ways to help the employee develop and grow professionally.
• The Professional Development Plan may be included in the employee's personnel file, and both parties should maintain copies.
• The development of a Professional Development Plan is a personal choice of the employee and no retaliation should be exhibited toward those employees who choose to not have a plan.


The following measurements should be considered in the assessment of an employee's performance of his/her duties and responsibilities:
1. Job Knowledge: Measurement should not be restricted to the technical knowledge an employee is required to bring to a specialized job. It is much broader and includes the range of pertinent policies, regulations, and procedures related to his/her assignment. It does not relate to the mental and/or physical skills required in a given position.
Comments - Does the employee consistently demonstrate a proper level of job knowledge, prerequisites and the job specifications? Has the probationary employee acquired an acceptable level of job knowledge? Is the regular employee keeping up-to-date with changing policies and procedures and with technological advances in his/her occupational field?
2. Quality of Performance: Measures the degree of excellence of the work performed over the entire rating period. Attention should be given to the consequences of poor quality of work.
Comments - Is the employee's work neat, accurate, thorough, timely, and acceptable? Must the work be redone, thus reducing the potential volume of acceptable work which could have been produced? Do errors in the employee's work affect the efforts of others? Does poor work frequently reflect adversely upon the office, department, or college?
3. Quantity of Performance: Refers to the quantity of satisfactory work turned out during a given period of time. Does the employee consistently accomplish a full day's work? Does the employee produce enough work so that he/she is clearly an asset to the department?
Comments - Short term exceptions to the quantity standard can sometimes be made. Care should be exercised to insure maximum quantity of departmental standards.
4. Self Management: Measures effectiveness and willingness to take responsibility for managing time and resources, and taking maximum advantage of talents, skills and expertise.
Comments - Does the employee prioritize his/her work load to accomplish the most important tasks first? Is the employee alert to changing conditions and/or departmental needs for flexibility? Does the employee comply with departmental and organizational policies and procedures? Is the employee consistently absent or tardy?

5. Customer Service: Measures the extent to which the employee exhibits the ability to be courteous, efficient, informed, available, tactful and diplomatic when representing the department and organization to internal and external customers.
Comments - Does the employee treat internal and external customers in a professional manner? Does he/she look for positive solutions to solve internal and external customer problems? Does the employee often avoid contact with visitors to the office or on the telephone?
6. Team Support: Measures effectiveness in working with others and helping co-workers succeed; demonstrates the ability to be supportive and flexible, contributing to the overall success of the department and the organization.
Comments - Does the employee approach challenges and problems in a positive manner and avoid negative influences among co-workers? Does he/she actively support the goals of the department and work to help the team succeed?
7. Specific Job Criteria: Measures those areas not included in the above categories that are specific to the performance of a particular job.
Comments - Specifics may come from the job description, ADA form, or duties that are regularly carried out in the performance of job duties.

1. Needs Development: Reflects a fundamental or beginning level of performance and needs continued development.
2. Developing: Reflects progress and is approaching job proficiency.
3. Mastery: Has achieved satisfactory mastery of job requirements.
4. Advanced: Has detailed knowledge of job and exceeds standard job requirements.
5. Outstanding: Highest level of performance. Employee consistently demonstrates superior job performance in this position. Requires little supervision.

أَسأل اللهَ عز وجل أن يهدي بهذه التبصرةِ خلقاً كثيراً من عباده، وأن يجعل فيها عوناً لعباده الصالحين المشتاقين، وأن يُثقل بفضله ورحمته بها يوم الحساب ميزاني، وأن يجعلها من الأعمال التي لا ينقطع عني نفعها بعد أن أدرج في أكفاني، وأنا سائلٌ أخاً/أختاً انتفع بشيء مما فيها أن يدعو لي ولوالدي وللمسلمين أجمعين، وعلى رب العالمين اعتمادي وإليه تفويضي واستنادي.

"وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة إلاِّ بالله العزيز الحكيم"

الصورة الرمزية tamereltohamy
tamereltohamy غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
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مجال العمل
Human Resources Manager

رد: Employee Assessment And Development Plan

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رد: Employee Assessment And Development Plan

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رد: Employee Assessment And Development Plan

Helpful topic....Many Thanks

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