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الموضوع: Role of HR

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Role of HR


As a business partner to the management team, human resources (HR) serves as a key adviser in all areas of HR related matters. HR supports and enhances the Company’s organizational activities at the strategic, tactical, advisory, and administrative levels.
At the strategic level, the Company develops and implements an overall strategic plan that consists of strategies, initiatives, and an action plan to properly execute the initiatives. As a business partner, HR develops strategic initiatives that support the Company's business needs while making the best use of its human resources.
At the tactical level, management acquires and allocates resources using the strategic plan as a guide. HR provides leadership in implementing the HR strategic initiatives in acquiring, orienting, appraising, rewarding or motivating, retaining, correcting performance or behavioral deficiencies, and developing the Company’s employee resources to maximize their potential and achieve the Company's overall business objectives.
At the advisory level, HR advises and counsels all levels of management and employees to make certain that decisions and actions are appropriate, lawful, consistent, and fiscally responsible. Tasks associated with this role would include gathering facts, diagnosing problems, providing solutions and guidance on employee-related problems, and providing advice on organizational changes. As a change agent, HR acts as a facilitator in understanding the needs of the organization, describing the process for desired changes, and promoting the change to the employees.
At the administrative level, HR provides quality, cost effective delivery of HR policies, wage and salary administration, benefits administration, record keeping, and various other administrative services to its internal and external customers.
As we work to ensure that we fulfill these roles within HR, a continuous learning process must be set up to provide an avenue for HR professionals to better understand the internal business factors and the external factors that affect our competitive business. As a guide, HR professionals should be engaged in the following:
We must understand from a business perspective how we:
• market our product(s) and services
• sell our product(s) and services
• develop or design our product(s) and services
• build or manufacture our product(s)
• serve our customers and support our products
• We must continue to be aware of the competitive challenges and pressures our business faces from local, national, and international labor markets.
• We must continue to keep abreast of those HR developments and initiatives being implemented in other industries and which may be relevant to our present and future methods of operations.
• We must continue to keep abreast of future developments in employment and labor laws.

أَسأل اللهَ عز وجل أن يهدي بهذه التبصرةِ خلقاً كثيراً من عباده، وأن يجعل فيها عوناً لعباده الصالحين المشتاقين، وأن يُثقل بفضله ورحمته بها يوم الحساب ميزاني، وأن يجعلها من الأعمال التي لا ينقطع عني نفعها بعد أن أدرج في أكفاني، وأنا سائلٌ أخاً/أختاً انتفع بشيء مما فيها أن يدعو لي ولوالدي وللمسلمين أجمعين، وعلى رب العالمين اعتمادي وإليه تفويضي واستنادي.

"وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة إلاِّ بالله العزيز الحكيم"

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رد: Role of HR

Thnxs for the information

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