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الموضوع: Acceptable Employment Interview Questions

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Acceptable Employment Interview Questions

Typically, interview questions should focus on job history, past performance, and future expectations.

1. Who have been your previous employers?
2. Why have you left your previous positions?
3. What have you liked about your previous positions? Disliked?
4. Are you willing to travel as part of your job? (if position includes travel)
5. Have you ever been known by another name?
6. What are your career goals?
7. What qualifications do you feel you have that would make you successful in this position?
8. How much money do you currently earn? Hope to earn?
9. Describe your compensation plan in detail (base salary, commissions, bonus, expenses)
10. What have you learned from your previous positions?
11. Why did you choose your previous positions?
12. Give me some of your short and long term professional career (non-income) goals.
13. What is your educational background?
14. Has your education contributed to your level of professional success? In what way?
15. Have you attended any specialized educational programs related to this position?
16. What do you consider your professional strengths? Weaknesses?
17. Give me some examples of difficult assignments that you have successfully completed.
18. Give me some examples of conflicts that have occurred during your past employment and how you have handled them.
19. Tell me about two of your greatest professional successes.
20. Tell me about two of your worst professional failures. How did you handle these failures?
21. Have you ever been involved in team or participative management structures? Were you successful within these management styles? Why or why not?
22. Do you consider yourself independent and self sufficient? Why?
23. Give me some examples of goals that you have set for yourself, and goals that have been set for you by others. Did you reach these goals? Why or why not?
24. What kind of professional relationship do you expect to have with a supervisor?
25. How would you go about turning around a problem department or territory?
أَسأل اللهَ عز وجل أن يهدي بهذه التبصرةِ خلقاً كثيراً من عباده، وأن يجعل فيها عوناً لعباده الصالحين المشتاقين، وأن يُثقل بفضله ورحمته بها يوم الحساب ميزاني، وأن يجعلها من الأعمال التي لا ينقطع عني نفعها بعد أن أدرج في أكفاني، وأنا سائلٌ أخاً/أختاً انتفع بشيء مما فيها أن يدعو لي ولوالدي وللمسلمين أجمعين، وعلى رب العالمين اعتمادي وإليه تفويضي واستنادي.

"وحسبي الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة إلاِّ بالله العزيز الحكيم"

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