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الموضوع: Safety Plan for the unstable worksites in Iraq

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Safety Plan for the unstable worksites in Iraq



HILLAWY COMPANY for General Contracts

Babil Electrical Network


(10 Sep. 2007)

Safety Manager: Ziyad Omar Abbas


Our Company had been achieved many project through the last few years ago,
We used several construction activities such as Mobile Substation plants in Abu Garaq City in Hilla province, electrical network in Al Musayab City, excavations and supply and install high voltage feeding cables (1500 m.l) in Al Haswah city in south of Baghdad.
In this project, HILLAWY COMPANY will do many types of works, and arranged some points of Safety procedures to look ahead, which listed as below:
Installing the underground Cables
1. Making the Excavation works, but before that, we will ensure that the excavated area will assign with tags and warning signs.
2. All must wearing complete overalls set, including overalls, boots, hard hats, gloves.
3. Avoid any passing for the labors through the excavation by the excavators, that will by assigning traffic supervisor for this reason.
4. Wearing special insulated gloves for connection of electrical equipment labors.
Installing the Kiosk Transformers
5. Checking that all labors are wearing the PPE
6. Arrange the jobsite employees and trucks traffic.
7. Installing warning signs on hazardous works, (like Scaffolds).
8. Continuous watching Supervisor, for Employees work, to avoid any accidents, as result from negligence.

Installing concrete for the roof
  • Checking the labors PPE safety.
  • Checking the safety of the kiosk lifting Crane, by Checking the Hook, lifting cables... etc.
  • Ensure that there's no one down of lifted kiosk through lifting it for installing.
Install electrical connections and cabling:

· Checking all electrical connections.
· Test the cables by specified expert Engineer.
· Put warning signs, for warning.
· Using lockout system for operating, by using special Cards, hanging on control panel lock. Including operation instructions, authorized operator name, operating Schedule.

Install the electrical poles:
  • Checking the labors PPE safety. Psacially wearing the harnesses and another PPE Clothes.
  • Checking the safety of installing the pole concrete base to avoid any installing failure for the pole, which may cause falling the pole on the people or the labors, or falling the climbed labor.
Through all these activities, the safety supervisor will always be on the jobsite, and all managers and supervisors will be governing by same safety requirements.

All employees will take the safety requirements seriously, because safety management will notice them at morning safety meeting, which take 5-10 minutes in morning.

All that means that the lower tier of HILLAWY COMPANY will submit to HILLAWY COMPANY safety plan in case of there existence in project jobsite.


We will prepare special record dealing with accidents/incidents, which any accident will be listing in it after the accident report will give to GRS office.

The more than importance in investigation procedures for accidents is:
a- investigating with the company work personnel which accident happened through it and checking by jobsite safety supervisor.
B-Checking the accident place and take photos, and record all matters concerned about the accident.
c- Looking for any evidence may find it in accident place to receive it to GRS office.
d- Providing GRS office with all investigation details and accident pictures.
Notice: all these procedures will never happen until the GRS give the agreements about doing it.


About this section, we take all arrangements specialized with this matter.
We establish the small medical clinic inside jobsite, which consists of material and first aid equipment and several drugs which specialized to special expected sicknesses, accident injures, like antibiotics, plasma…. etc.
This clinic will manage by medical employee, with universal certification in nursing treatment.
This ambulance can transport the casualty person to OSHA for getting the suitable treatment. The more importance of medical source in out of jobsite is “Diwaniyah General Hospital (1.5 km)"


· We will determine the specialized procedures with hazard assessments for selecting the suitable personal protective equipment for it, by supervising the safety procedures on all jobsite.
· AL RAWAN COMPANY will provide and monitor labor to ensure that all tools are used in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, maintained in good working order.
· According to that we limit the requires safety equipments which include but not limit:
a- HILLAWY COMPANY will supply the labors with long pants and a suitable shirt, with no less than 4” sleeves, as the minimum work clothing to be worn on the Jobsite, with suitable color for employees and supervisors.
b- Gloves, classified to tow kind of gloves,
· Rubber isolated gloves for electrical works.
· Textile preventive gloves for manual works.
c- AL RAWAN COMPANY will Supply the employees with eye protection equipped with hard side shields (safety glasses) manufactured to applicable ANSI standard in all the work time
d- HILLAWY COMPANY employees with Jobsite responsibilities will wear sturdy leatherwork shoes or boots
e- Fall preventing Harnesses. Which used by climbing the high places.
f- HILLAWY COMPANY will require its employees to wear hardhats manufactured to the applicable ANSI standard worn with the brim forward at all times when at the Jobsite, and we select the yellow one for supervisors, the white for managers and the blue on for employees. With ANSI standard.
HILLAWY COMPANY will provide and monitor to ensure that all tools are used in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations.

6- Specified Plans will be taken in jobsite:

· Lockout/tagout procedures, herein HILLAWY COMPANY will use tagging program for any operating system. We will provide it with a padlock and chain on the electrical panel to insure that it is not operated without Al-Rawaa & HILLAWY COMPANY ’s permission. HILLAWY COMPANY will use a common project system and equipment safety tagging/lockout procedure when required. In any case, HILLAWY COMPANY will implement an Energy Isolation program, which complies with the applicable regulations.
  • Housekeeping, Fire Prevention & Protection
HILLAWY COMPANY will provide all fire protection and prevention equipment necessary for its operations, Fire prevention plan will include, providing all jobsite location with suitable extinguishers, in clear places.

HILLAWY COMPANY will have adequate fire extinguishers on the project and to support specific work activities (Hot Work, cutting grinding, welding etc.)
According to this plan, HILLAWY COMPANY will maintain all these fire extinguishers periodically. By expert from fire Treatment facility in Shatrah city monthly. Number of fire extinguishers of the correct size will be 5 extinguishers classified to several types according to its work activities. As below
a- Powder extinguishers, for electric fires.
b- Foam extinguishers, for solid materials. (E.g.. woods, plastics, …etc)
c- Sand, water buckets extinguishers, for facilities and all jobsite.

· Cranes & Material Handling
HILLAWY COMPANY will designate a qualified supervisor to determine the methods and develop plans for rigging operations to ensure its crane operations and lifting activities are monitored and executed in a safe manner.
All cranes, which HILLAWY COMPANY will supply it, will have current, annual, documented inspections as required. HILLAWY COMPANY will ensure no equipment is operated if hazardous conditions are identified relating to that piece of equipment or its use.
· Fall prevention plan
HILLAWY COMPANY will adopt a 100% fall Prevention policy that makes use of primary fall Prevention systems, such as scaffolds, aerial lifts, personnel hoists, etc., while making provisions for secondary fall prevention (full-body harness) for all employees who are working or traveling more than 6 feet above ground and are exposed to an imminent fall hazard. All fall Prevention devices used will be manufactured in accordance with a recognized standard utilizing a design approved by a professional engineer. No job-built devices or equipment will be allowed employees who are working in areas at 6' or more above the ground will have safety harnesses and will be tied off to prevent them from falling.

· Traffic Control Plans
HILLAWY COMPANY will develop, submit for approval, implement, and maintain in compliance with Traffic Control Plans as required by all Local, City, County, State, and Federal authorities. All Traffic Control Plans must be at the Jobsite at all times when traffic is being controlled by HILLAWY COMPANY .

الصورة الرمزية فارس النفيعي
فارس النفيعي غير متواجد حالياً مشرف باب السلامة المهنية وتقليل الأخطار
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المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
السلامة المهنية

رد: Safety Plan for the unstable worksites in Iraq

شكرا لك اخي الفاضل .. وبارك الله فيك وفيما قدمت ..

الصورة الرمزية تامر شراكي
تامر شراكي غير متواجد حالياً مشرف باب السلامة المهنية وتقليل المخاطر
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رد: Safety Plan for the unstable worksites in Iraq

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دورة التحول الرقمي في الجامعات هو أول برنامج تدريبي يهدف إلى تقديم كل الشرح المفصل للمشاركين فيه للتعرف بشكل مفصل عن آليات تمكين الجامعات من تبني تقنيات جديدة وتحسين عملياتها وتعزيز التعلم للطلاب.

كورس مهارات التحقيق والتحري لمكافحة الفساد المالى والإداري

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