Employers name------------------------------------Territory--------------------------------------------------------
Position title----------------------------------------------Date--------------------------------------------------------
1-Knowledge of work (products-customers-business)
Is thoroughly acquainted with our products and technical problems involved in this application
Has above average in knowledge needs to handle job satisfactorily
Has average amount of knowledge needs to handle job satisfactorily
Has mastered minimum knowledge needs further training
Does not have sufficient knowledge
2-degree Of Acceptance by Customers
Enjoy excellent personal relationship with virtually all customers
Is on very good terms and is accepted by virtually all customers
Has satisfactory relationship with most customers
Manages to see customers but not generally liked
Not acceptable to most customers cannot gain entry to their offices
3-ammount of efforts devoted to acquiring business
Unsatisfactory does not put forth sufficient effort to produce business
Exerts only minimum amount of time and effort
Devotes intermitted effort in acquiring moderate amount of business
Devotes constant efforts in developing business
Exceptional in the amount of time and effort put forth in selling
4-Ability to acquire
Rarely able to acquire business except in a sellers market
Abel to acquire enough business to maintain only a minimum sales average
Manages to acquire percentage of customers business if initial resistance is not too strong
Does a good job under most circumstances
Is able to acquire business under the most difficult situations
5-amount of service given to customers
Goes out of the way to give outstanding service within scope of company policy
Gives very good service to all customers
Services accounts with regularity but does not do any more than called on to do
Gives only minimum service at all times
Rarely services accounts once a sales is made
6-dependability amount of supervision needed
Requires close supervision in all phases of job
Effort occasionally lags requires more than normal supervision
Performs with reasonable promptness under normal supervision
Consistently reliable under normal conditions does special as well as regular assignments promptly little or no supervision required
Always thoroughly abreast of problems in the territory even under most difficult conditions rises to emergencies and assumes leadership without being requested to do so
Employers name------------------------------------territory--------------------------------------------------------
Position title----------------------------------------------date--------------------------------------------------------
Factors (con.)
7-Attitude toward Company –Support Given to Company Policies
Gives unwavering support to company and company policies to customers even through he/she personally agree with them
Adopts and supports company viewpoint in all transactions
Goes along with company policies on most occasions
Gives only passive support to company policy does not act as member of a team
Does not support company policy blames company for factors that affect customers unfavorably
Possesses unusual comprehension and analytical ability. Complete reliance may be placed on all judgments irrespective of degree of complexity. decisions and judgments are completely free of personal bias or prejudge
Decisions can be accepted without question except when problems of extreme complexity are involved .little or no personal bias enters into judgment
Capable of careful analyzing of day-to-day problems involving some complexity and rendering sound decision rarely influenced by prejudice or personal bias,
Judgments usually sound on routine simple matters but cannot be relied on when any degree of complexity is involved
Analyses and conclusions subject to frequent error and on bias decisions require careful review by supervision
Requires frequent reinstruction .has failed to demonstrate initiative or imagination in solving problems
Follows closely previously learned methods and procedures. Slow to adapt to changes .tends to become confused in new situations
Meets new situations in satisfactory manner .occasionally develops original ideas .methods and techniques.
Frequently develops new ideas of merit. Handling of emergencies is generally characterized by sound decisive action
Work is consistently characterized by marked originality alertness initiative and imagination can be relied on to develop new ideas and techniques in solving the most difficult problems
Be given additional instruction on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*

*Be given additional experience such as---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Study such subject as------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Change attitude as follows--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*There is nothing more that I can do for this employee because--------------------------------------------------------
