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الموضوع: Developing Yourself as a Team Leader.(2) TL

الصورة الرمزية Benhassan
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دعم Developing Yourself as a Team Leader.(2) TL

Dear all
this is the second part of Developing Yourself as a Team Leader course


In other words, your job is as much about getting other people to do things as it is doing things yourself.
If you are to be effective in your job, you have to get things done by using your team members and motivating them. Remember also that in future you will be assessed, not only on your individual performance, but on the performance of your team as well.
We can also examine the role of the Team Leader in a little more depth by using the framework provided by Henri Fayol. He broke down the role by looking at five distinct areas of activity. He described these as:

· Thinking ahead - PLANNING
· Arranging Resources - ORGANISING
· Maintaining Morale - LEADERSHIP
· Making improvements – DEVELOPING
· Knowing what’s going on - CONTROLLING
The chart that follows sets out some broad headings


Setting Objectives
Scheduling tasks
Judging the time tasks will take
Understanding the overall ‘scope’ of what you want to get done


Defining jobs
Allocating work to individuals
Structuring relationships
Designing systems


Understanding people
Influencing and motivating
Team building


Recognising what can be learned
Setting standards of performance
Creating opportunities to learn


Recognising problems
Creating Controls

Where The Team Leader ‘Fits In’

: Overall the supervisor’s role can be seen as

The Corporate ‘Strategic’ Plan

Departmental Objectives

Team Goals/Results/Objectives to be achieved

تعلم الايجابية .. ولا تكن سلبيا
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Benhassan ; 25/12/2008 الساعة 02:50 سبب آخر: change title

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