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الموضوع: Standard letter for rejecting candidate after final interview

الصورة الرمزية Afaf mustafa
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نقاش Standard letter for rejecting candidate after final interview

Standard letter for rejecting candidate after final interview

Candidate name and address



Dear ,

Thank you very much for attending for interview for the post of ……………. in the Department of ………...

I am sorry to tell you that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. If you would like feedback regarding your interview, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I would like to thank you for your time and your interest in this post and the University, and I wish you every success in the future.

Yours sincerely,

الصورة الرمزية halim2008
halim2008 غير متواجد حالياً نشيط
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
تدريس وتدريب

رد: Standard letter for rejecting candidate after final interview

Another different letter for Non acceptable candidate after an interview

Dear Mr./Mrs

I refer to your recent application for the post of …………….. with ………………….; and wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the enthusiastic approach you displayed during the interview with ………………………...Mr. and Mrs

Although we noted with interest your experience and qualifications, I regret that after much consideration it has been decided that another candidate more closely matches the profile we have drawn up for this job. Unfortunately, however, on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful and we are unable to proceed to making a formal offer to you.

I realise that this may come as a disappointment but can assure you that we shall be retaining your details on file and, should a suitable vacancy arise, we shall be in contact with you about it.

In the meantime we hope that you have success in pursuing your current aspirations.

Thank you for the interest you have shown in our company. It was a pleasure speaking to you and we wish you well for the future.

Yours sincerely

. ………………………………………..

إقرأ أيضا...
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Standard letter for rejecting candidate after final interview

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