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الموضوع: How to motivate yourself at work

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How to motivate yourself at work

Have you lost your motivation at work? Does it feel like a chore to go to the office?
Given that work takes up a large chunk of our daily lives, losing motivation can not only hamper your job performance but can also negatively affect your personal life.
Sometimes employees resolve the situation by changing jobs but that should be a last option, say human-resources experts. First, try some ways to get your job mojo back. Identify why you are de-motivated and try to tackle the specific problem. Here are some tips to help you in the process:
1. Ask for feedback: Your manager or boss is likely the most important source of motivation or de-motivation for you. If he or she is not giving you the time and attention that you need, then you need to talk about it. Set up a meeting to discuss any work-related issues, or to share any fears or concerns that you might have.
Often, employees don’t discuss their concerns with their bosses because employees fear the reaction. “This is the biggest impediment to their growth and a source of de-motivation.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask your boss what you need to do to reach the next level” .
Getting feedback from your manager can help provide clarity on your role and career growth.
2. Weave a web of support: If you have lost your motivation because you are lacking focus and don’t have proper guidance from your boss, seek out mentors within or even outside your organization. Ideally, your mentor “should be someone who is a few levels above you and with whom you are open” .
Don’t restrict yourself to one guide. “Draw motivation from various sources”.
Perhaps one person can guide you with people issues and another one can share thoughts on your career decisions.
3. Seek new challenges: Maybe you have lost enthusiasm for your job simply because you are bored. Try to identify why that is.
Is it that you are not learning new things? To change that, try interacting with people from different departments in your company, or sign up for a training program. If you work in the finance department, for instance, try to learn something about another function like sales. “Constantly upgrading your skills and knowledge will keep you motivated” .
Is there a lack of challenge in your job? If so, “ask for a job rotation and take up new assignments”
Ideally, do a self-assessment to see what role you should pursue next. “Write down what makes you ready for it, then go and talk to the concerned person” .
Another option is to ask for a change in location – a new place, a new environment and new people might just be what you need to get fresh perspective on your job.
4. Tackle mundane tasks: Nobody looks forward to doing routine or mundane tasks that take time but don’t engage our minds. But they have to be done, so don’t let them bring you down. If it’s possible to delegate some of these tasks or share them with your colleagues, do that. If not, try to get them out of the way as quickly as possible — like swallowing a bitter pill that will ensure your long-term well-being.
Try “setting a target that you would finish the work in two hours instead of four,” . This “will also make you more efficient,” he says.
You could also mix such tasks with things that relax you, such as listening to music or taking frequent breaks.
5. Have a life: While work is important, all work and no play makes Jack a very de-motivated boy.
You need to “have interests outside of work and to spend time on developing them”.
It’s easy to say that you don’t have time to pursue interests outside of work but you have to find the time for your own and your families’ peace of mind. Better time-management and re-adjusting your priorities will help.

*Wall Street Journal

الصورة الرمزية Ahm3d magdy
Ahm3d magdy غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
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Thankful on the very important things
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة د.وليد الديراني ; 6/2/2012 الساعة 04:06

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رد: How to motivate yourself at work

You are welcome Ahmad ..All the best

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