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الموضوع: Program Manager 2 _ Urgent request in Saudi Arabia

الصورة الرمزية total-tech
total-tech غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
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المملكة العربية السعودية
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Project Manager _ Urgent request in Saudi Arabia

Greeting ,
Total TECH leading company in the field of IT in Middle East & Gulf Area seeking about full time in “KSA” about:

Job Title:Project Manager
Job Type: Full time.
Code: PM-S-966
Language: Arabic and English
Total Years of Exp: +4 years
Job Description:
§ Provides a single point of contact for all projects running by SAEI project managers,
§ Develops and monitors project plans
§ Ensures that all required resources are assigned to the project and clearly tasked.
§ Assure the work defined in the SOW according agreed quality standards.
§ Ensure adherence to project processes; quality / risk / change / issue / deliverable management.
§ Monitors actual progress against the project plan and reports project status and performance
§ Ensures compliance with the processes and standards identified in PMO Model.
§ Monitor day-to-day risks & issues, report and escalate risks & issues as appropriate.
§ Monitor project inter-dependencies.
Provides consolidated input to the Program Manager and Project Steering Committee, as necessary.
Please reply with your updated word doc format resume along with below details ASAP for the next process:

  • Nationality:
  • Iqama Transferable (Yes/No):
  • Current Location:
  • Availability to join:
  • Salary Expectations:
  • Contact No: Mobile:
  • Email:

Please make sure you put the Job title Code : PM-S-966
in the subject of your email, in order for your resume/cv to be considered. Email your resume/cv to
" careers@total-tech.co"

Note : Our domain is " .co not .com
Best Regards

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة total-tech ; 28/3/2012 الساعة 14:55

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