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الموضوع: مطلوب مدراء ومناديب مبيعات بالرياض

الصورة الرمزية فاروق
فاروق غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
تطوير إداري

مطلوب مدراء ومناديب مبيعات بالرياض

مطلوب مناديب ومدراء مبيعات في مجال الاعلاف الحيوانية
راتب المندوب 5000 ريال
راتب المدير 12000 ريال
للتواصل جوال 0503099415

الصورة الرمزية Hussein Abomoaaz
Hussein Abomoaaz غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
مدير مبيعات

رد: مطلوب مدراء ومناديب مبيعات بالرياض

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Hussein Ibrahim Mohamed Abdel-Aal
Address: 6th, 120 St., Manshiat Al-Sad Al-Aaly
Behind Badr Jesr Al-Sweis Park – Cairo
Mail: Hussien-20001 @ hotmail . com
Tel. Mobile: 01066656999
Home: (202) 22441127

Personal Data
Date of Birth: 10th of August, 1973
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: Egyptian
Military Service: Implemented
Religion: Muslim

Bachelor of Commerce
Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University
Business Administration (Major: Marketing)

Looking forward to joining your esteemed team to enhance my knowledge and to show my skills in a job where I can make use of my academic experience and practical expertise, in collaboration of my colleagues, in a context of successful mutual communication skills and development in the field of administration; in addition to being:

  • Ambitious, participate in decision making, and enjoy a sense of creativity.
  • Self-motivated to team work spirit.
  • Ability to well-adapt to changes under pressure.
  • Strong and good communication skills to learn from others.

Computer Literacy: Good knowledge of all applications (Word, Excel - Power Point – Surfing Internet)

Company: Egypt Foods
Title: Regional Sales Manager for Giza Markets
Duration: From 10/2010 up till now.

  1. Managing the team assigned for Giza province market; consisting of (2) officers and (7) supervisors (October branch: (10) Cars - Helwan branch: (12) cars - Giza branch: (20) cars - Shubra branch: (6) cars).
  2. Capital increase and growth by raising sales volumes and effecting expansions to increase production.
  3. Conducting two field visits per week, to follow up on each branch.
  4. Preparing daily reports to be submitted to the Sales Manager, regarding total branches achievement.
  5. Follow-up sales team's documentary circle.
  6. Ensuring the including our products in good marketing offers, by visiting the market as per visits' plan.
  7. Directing each Branch Manager as to how to raise the efficiency and productivity for each branch and how to rationalize expenses.
  8. Coordinating with each branch manager to raise the percentage of customers, as divided a target-oriented plan and a schedule for implementation.
  9. Controlling performance and comparing the current and former plans to avoid/correct mistakes.
  10. Making suggestions for monthly marketing plans, in light of the target.
  11. Contracting with key customers and accomplish annual contracts.

Company: Nile for Food Industries (Enjoy)
Title: Sales Manager Cairo region (Wholesale and Retail)
Duration: From 3/2007 to 10/2010

  1. Managing Cairo Branch; consisting of (8) supervisors and (44) representatives, to serve the east Cairo area. The team is divided into (27) retail cars, (12) yogurt cars, and (5) supermarket cars; where retail and wholesale are divided into: (1- Heliopolis, 2- Downtown, 3- Shubra, 4- Nasr City, 5- Ain Shams).

Note: (Giza branch has been included for one years with the same tasks)
Operating functions

  1. Submitting Sales Forecast for the forthcoming quarter, based on the annual production plan.
  2. Providing suggestions to the marketing plan during the forthcoming quarter, in light of the target.
  3. Monthly distribution of the target at the level of groups, following-up their distribution on sales areas.
  4. Following-up target achievement through the supervisors, motivating and guiding the team towards time management.
  5. Controlling performance and comparing current and former plan, to avoid/correct mistakes.
  6. Contracts with leading traders, distributors and agents, making agreements on contracts and finalizing transactions.
  7. Development of discerning customers and raising their purchases rate, through monthly incentives

Company: Halwani Brothers
Title: Sales Supervisor
Period: From 1/2006 to 3/2007

Company: Halaib Guetalo for Dairy Products
Title: Sales Supervisor
Period: 3/2003 till 1/2006

Company: Al-Arabeys for Food Industries (Domty)
Title: Sales Supervisor (senior clients)
Period: 2000 to 3/2003

Training courses and scientific expertise
* Program: Advanced Selling Skills Time: 2003 (3 days)
Venue: Al-Ahram Newspapers Tutor: Dr. Fakhri Tahtawi
* Program: How to Communicate Time: 2004 (3 days)
Venue: IMC Tutor: Dr. Ibrahim Fiki
* Program: Sales Plans Preparation Time: 2004 (3 days)
Venue: Sonesta Hotel Tutor: Dr.: Marwa Bakr
* Program: icdl Time: (3 months)
Venue: Tutor: Dr.: Marwa Baker


  • Development of ales management in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the formation of trained sales teams at best level, in order to raise the efficiency and effectiveness to increase productivity.
  • Enhancing and improving new trademarks, creating good competition, leading to locally increase the quality and reach out globally.
  • Reaching the highest level of customer service.
  • Achieving highest achievements in any leadership I undertake, and creating a spirit of cooperation among team members, in order to achieve the plans as appropriate.
  • Developing to top positions, to achieve the mission and perform with integrity.
  • Application of management science in all administrative levels; being the main reason for the growth of advanced economies.

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دورات تدريبية نرشحها لك

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برنامج يهدف الى اكسابك خبرات احترافية في ادارة المبيعات في الفنادق ويعزز من قدرتك على فهم طبيعة عملية البيع في الفنادق وكيف يمكن تخطيط المبيعات وتحليل المبيعات وادارة فريق البيع وتصميم الحوافز لفريق البيع

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أحدث الملفات والنماذج