§ Marital status: Married
§ Nationality: Egyptian.
§ Place of Birth: Elmenia - Egypt
§ Date of Birth: June 26th , 1975
§ Attendee Work: Emasculative of Human Resources
§ Military service status: Exempted
§ Eimail Adress: (تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى) &(تم حذف الإيميل لأن عرضه مخالف لشروط المنتدى)
§ Computer Skill: Word , Ecel , Access , Windows.
Objective :-
§ Seeking a challenging Position where I can develop my Personal and Technical Skills in the Field of Human Resources Management.
§ 1994 – 1998 Faculty of Arts Al-Minya University Good Arabic Language Department
§ Excel & Word Course Omar Makram Center Tahrir Square
§ ICDL Course 2009 Net Skills Center Al-Haram st, Giza
§ Human Resources Development Future Gate Center Al-Haram st, Giza
§ Human Resources Management Alahram Advertising Agency Elglaa st, Cairo
§ The Power of Self- Confidence Canadian Training Center Naser City, Cairo
Scope of work:-
§ Following up the problems of Employees and solving it.
§ preparing the Employees Salaries.
§ Increasing the Employees Motives for work.
§ Putting the Rules of Evaluation,(Recompenses,,Bonuses, ,Punishment).
§ Creating the Suitable Atmosphere for work .
§ Developing the Employees personal skills.
§ Controling the time of the work.
§ Inspecting on Employees.
§ Follow Up the Cost of Employees Salaries.
§ Follow Up the Cost of Accommodation & Transportations.
WorkingExperience Details : -
Working at Hassan Allam Sons as HR Specialist since 1999 at the next projects.
Ø From May 2008 Till Now
ORASCOM & Hassan Allam Sons(Joint Venture).
Project: MALL OF AFRICA (Main Contractor).
Owner: . Elhokiar&ElzamilGroup.
Consultant: Engineering Consultants Group (ECG)
epartment Manager of Human Resources.
- Assembler for Services recreational.
Project Budget about 1.5 milliard L.E.
Ø From Feb 2007 to May2008
. Hassan Allam Sons.
Project: Arabian Cement Factory (Main contractor).
Owner: . Arabian Cement company
Consultant: CBC ( Denmark)
Position : Department Manager of Human Resources.
- Factory for Cement production
Project Budget about 350 Millions L.E.
Ø From Jul 2007 to Jan 2008.
.Hassan Allam Sons
Project: Food Court –Central Area (Main contractor).
Owner: Company of Smart Villages.
Consultant:Engineering Consultants Group (ECG).
Position : Department Manager of Human Resources.
- Group of International Restaurants,Pyramidic Restaurant in the mid of the Water and Building the Biggest Industrial Lake in Egypt.
Project Budget about 170 Millions L.E.
Ø From May 2005 to Jun 2006
Ø Hassan Allam Sons& the Contractors Confederacy Cosmopolitan CCC (Joint Venture).
Project: Cairo North Power Station phase II (Main contractor).
Owner: Corps of electricity egypt.
Position : Department Manager of Human Resources.
- Generating Electricity
Project Budget about 500 Millions L.E.
Ø From May 2004 to Apr 2005
Ø Hassan Allam Sons&the Contractors Confederacy Cosmopolitan CCC (Joint Venture).
Project: Nubaria Power Station phase 1&2 (Main contractor).
Owner: Corps of electricity egypt.
Position : Department Manager of Human Resources.
- Generating Electricity
Project Budget about 450 Millions L.E.
Ø From Jan 1999 to Mar 2004
Ø Hassan Allam Sons.
Project: Baverly Hillsphase1&2
Owner: SODIC.
Consultant:Moharam - Bakhoom.
Position : Department Manager of Human Resources.
- Constructing 90 buildings and villas, 30 shalets and mosque in Baverly Hills , Al Shiekh Zaied
Project Budget about 220 Millions L.E.