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الموضوع: Improving Performance Management

الصورة الرمزية hussein_badawy
hussein_badawy غير متواجد حالياً مشرف باب الادارة الاستراتيجية والتخطيط الاستراتيجي
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Improving Performance Management

Improving Performance Management

By : [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

the seven key hallmarks of a well-functioning employee performance management system

  • Goals are mutually agreed between the manager and the employee and are aligned with the team and function goals

  • The manager meets with their team and each direct report regularly (weekly or fortnightly) to discuss goals, progress and roadblocks

  • Numerical employee performance ratings are avoided in place of data-driven progress reports on goal attainment

  • Feedback on employee behaviors is sourced from multiple stakeholders, including managers, internal and external customers, peers and suppliers

  • Financial incentives are supplanted with a range of non-monetary rewards and forms of recognition

  • Appraising managers are upskilled to be able to set meaningful goals and give effective employee feedback

  • Manager-employee feedback is two-way with direct reports also providing feedback to their manager
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة hussein_badawy ; 14/4/2013 الساعة 07:30

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