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الموضوع: Marketing Vs Sales

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Marketing Vs Sales

Some people might think that marketing and sales are the same, but technically they are not.
They are two different processes in order to accomplish the target of the company;increasing sales and profit.

Let's think about this question for a moment. Without marketing you would not have prospects or leads to follow up with, but yet without a good sales technique and strategy your closing rate may depress you.

Marketing is everything that you do to reach and persuade prospects. The sales process is everything that you do to close the sale and get a signed agreement or contract. Both are necessities to the success of a business. You cannot do without either process. By strategically combining both efforts you will experience a successful amount of business growth. However, by the same token if the efforts are unbalanced it candetour your growth.

Your marketing will consists of the measures you use to reach and persuade your prospects that you are the company for them. It's the message that prepares the prospect for the sales. It consists of advertising, public relations, brand marketing, viral marketing, and direct mail.

The sales process consists of interpersonal interaction. It is often done by a one-on-one meeting, cold calls, and networking. It's anything that engages you with the prospect or customer on a personal level rather than at a distance.

Your marketing efforts begin the process of the eight contacts that studies show it takes to move a prospect or potential client to the close of the sale. If marketing is done effectively you can begin to move that prospect from a cold to a warm lead. When the prospect hits the"warm" level it's much easier for the sales professional to close the sale

In conclusion and as you see above, it takes multiple contacts using both sales and marketing to move the prospect from one level to the next. That is why it is import that you develop a process that combines both sales and marketing. This will enable you to reach prospects at all three levels; cold, warm, and hot. It's all about balance.

الصورة الرمزية Muhammad Radwan
Muhammad Radwan غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
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رد: Marketing Vs Sales

good job
, thank you for your effort

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الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
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أعمال ادارية

رد: Marketing Vs Sales

Thanks for your comments Muhammad ... Regards

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