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الموضوع: حمل كتاب - The Complete Guide to Business Plans

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حمل كتاب - The Complete Guide to Business Plans

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الأخوة الكرام

أرفق لكم كتاب The Complete Guide to Business Plans والذي يحتوي على العناصر التالية

Part 1: Getting Started

According to Plan
How your plan can help you
Figuring Out the Financing
Understanding your business’s financial needs
Business Writing Basics
Tips and pitfalls to consider while writing your plan

Part 2: Putting Together Your Plan
Ready, Set, Write
Putting your business ideas on paper
Getting Down to Business
How to put your best business foot forward
Industry Overview
Describing your industry and its climate
Who Are You?
Your people are your primary asset; how to showcase your
dream team
Analyzing Your Business in the Market
Explaining how your business will perform in the market
Getting the Word Out
Positioning and promoting your business for the best possible results
Sales Plan and Forecast
Explaining how you’ll sell your stuff
Operation Success
Making the most of your day-to-day business activities
Money, Money
Financial statements you’ll need to know for your plan
Show Your Documents
Supporting your claims with all the right backup documents
Executive Summary
What you’re going to tell them in this critical part of your plan

Part 3: Putting Your Plan to Work
Financing Considerations to Include in Your Plan
How to use your plan for investment or lending purposes
Using Your Plan as a Management Tool
How your plan can help everyone in the business get on the same page
Keeping Your Plan Current
How to keep your plan up to date and relevant

A Business Terms Glossary
B Sample Plans
C Resources
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